Chapter 39: The Scoundrel

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That was too close, Jord thought as he landed on the Ring of Kafrene. Being resourceful, Jord was able to deliver three quarters of the shipment while still getting full payment for the job. He gave credit to his DC-15A blaster for the successful negotiations. But even so, he knew his boss wasn't going to be happy about the losses on Concordia. He had been running spice for a man named Deo Thorne. Deo would be upset mostly with the loss of spice and the aircraft rather than the crew.

Two years ago, Jord had found him through a smuggler he once knew on Corellia by the name of Solo. He didn't care much for the overconfident pilot but he did appreciate his help:

"These rebels, they sure know how to fight a war, but they have no clue how to run a galaxy," Solo said with a charismatic smile that caused the girls to blush over. "Could use you, Vox, if you're interested? You're pretty persuasive from what I remember."

"Thanks Han but tailored uniforms and military titles never interested me," Jord refused. He was never much for politics or the war. He preferred to stay active in the underground. He wanted to stay in the shadows. He wanted to find her, Lenore.

"Well unlucky for you, I got just the guy you're looking for," Han sarcastically said. "Deo Torne. Did a few jobs for him back in the day during the Empire. Back then he only contracted out. Now he's building his own team with the tax cuts for 'entrepreneurship'. Technically I guess he's creating jobs. He could use a smuggler like you."

"Sounds perfect. Where do I find him?" Jord asked.

"The Ring," Han said grimly as his Wookie copilot roared with a warning. "Relax Chewie. Jord can take care of himself. He's become over protective since the war, but I guess that's natural after seeing the things we have. If you don't mind me asking, what've you been up to? Last I heard you'd been sold to a gladiator arena on Derilyn.Or were those just rumors I hope?"

"Same old same old," he said vaguely. He didn't want to go into detail, not because he didn't trust his fellow Corellian, but because he didn't have the time. He had one plan in mind, make some credits, and find Lenore.

"Well that narrows it down doesn't it." Han remarked. "But I can take a hint when to mind my own business. Good luck pal."

"Thanks Han," Jord said, shaking his hand and leaving.

"You got a lot of nerve walking back in here," Deo stood up from his desk pounding his fist. "You lost a quarter of the inventory and also one of my ships!"

"You forgot about the crew," Jord added. He knew Deo was a harsh self centered profit hungry mogul and he took any chance to antagonize his employer.

"I can easily replace one group of nerf herders for the next. What I can't come by these days with the damn New Republic is pre-imperial vessels that have code scrambers aboard."

Deo continued to rant as Jord knew the only way to shut him up was to show him the credits in full. He reached into his vest and tossed a sack on the desk. It opened up as the credits spilled over onto Deo's paperwork.

"Well no one said spice running was without its complications. I'll forgo my tip for the inconvenience," Jord said, proudly and crossed his arm over his blaster insinuating that he had gotten the payment forcefully. "But here's a tip for you Thorne, stay off of Concordia. The Mandalorian conflict is turning into a kessel run. Had a run in with one of them."

"What do you think running a business is? Blasting Mon Cals in a fishbowl? Risks are a part of the market Vox."

"I know," he answered, and thought of the bounty hunter that had attacked his crew. He had said I know as a response to Jord's threat. An odd thing for a bounty hunter to say. It had been irking him since he left the moon. But there was no need to mention the bounty hunter to Deo. He didn't want to stir up any more trouble. He couldn't afford to lose this gig. It had been the only sure way to make a living.

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