Chapter 35: Long Live the King

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Fennec gave the signal from the top of the vista point to Cara. Cara crouched down low on the opposite point and returned the signal. Fennec watchfully waited for Lenore to make her move. Up to this point her and Fett had worked well together. She was grateful for her second chance at life, but she was unsure of his faith in Lenore. She didn't know the ex-Imperial well, but she knew of her reputation as the Deliverer. It was admirable, but admirable figures were predictable. Most of the time when put into tough situations they didn't have the guts to do what needed to be done.

Cara focused intensely on the guard at post. He was joined by a second. She motioned to Fennec about the second guard in sight. Fennec confirmed the signal. How's her sharp shooting? Cara shrugged off the question. Who did Tersu think she was? If she was anything like Lee, she was just another impulsive overachiever. Must be a family trait. Hopefully she was a good fighter like her brother.

"There she goes,"Cara said, watching Lenore descend down to the mine on her hoverboard.

It was difficult to balance on the hoverboard as the wind leading up to the mine entrance began to pick up. She shifted weight to the left as she adjusted the knapsack slung over her right shoulder. It was heavier than she had expected it to be. She saw the guards aim to take a shot at her. She shifted directions to avoid the fire.


"You ladies awake?"Lenore asked, as she finished the question the guard on the right fell to the ground. Fennec was awake for sure. The remaining guard pointed his blaster cannon at Lenore and shot. She spun around and the flap on her knapsack opened, relieving Grogu's head. He looked bewildered and grunted at Lenore. The sight of Grogu sent a chill of panic down Cara's spin as she quickly took out the remaining guard.

"The kid!" Cara exclaimed, watching Lenore enter the mine with the child in tow. "What's she doing with the kid?!"

"Grogu wanted to help," Sashee appeared behind Cara who instinctively shot at her. Sashee held up her hand and absorbed the blast. "You must be Dune. Grogu said to watch out for you."

"Who the hell are you?" Cara asked. This was not part of the plan. Mando would kill them if anything happened to Grogu, and neither of the Tersus were going to be the end of her.

"My name is Sashee. Grogu called out using the force for help. I responded and have accompanied him here to rescue his father." Sashee explained. "But I'm sure you and the rest of the crew will have questions so I'll explain in full once we're together."

"That's if they come out alive," Cara said doubtfully.

The mining cavern was narrow. She followed the path Fennec had mapped out on Slave I but it was harder to navigate than she thought. Lenore scraped the bottom of the hoverboard a few times trying to gauge the height of the tunnel. She found the shaft leading to where Mando was being held and ascended. Grogu giggled as they went up. Lenore wondered how the kid could be so amused.

They reached the mid level and she turned the hoverboard off, strapping it to her left shoulder. As she walked the level there was another shaft that led up. This was her escape route. She just needed to get Mando and return to this point. As she looked up to check if there would be a problem escaping, a low growl echoed through the tunnel. Lenor took out her lance and watched three wrix slowly approach her. Wrix were large porcine species that she had encountered in the arena. They were strategic and worked as a pack. Grogu uttered something that sounded like nerves.

"Don't worry kid. I got this," Lenore said, activating the shock blade and lunging at the leader who dodged the attempt and jumped over her. She spun around, shocking its two companions one by one. The lead jumped at Grogu. Lenore dropped to her knees and shocked its belly from below. All three wrixs were passed out from the shock. She took out her knife ready to finish them but blaster fire rained down from above. She swung Grogu around into her arms and shielded him. Once the fire stopped she looked up and found three Mandalorians landing with jetpacks in front of her. This must be Death Watch. She stood with the Child in hand and waited to see what they would do.

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