Chapter 36: The Rogue

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Koska Reeves peered out of a small window of Slave I as it made its way to the other side of the moon. She could see Mandalore in the distance. This was the first time she had been relatively close to the homeland she was fighting so hard to retake. Many had said it had been turned to glass, others said it was cursed, but her leader Bo-Katan had a vision. She had a plan to restore the planet's glory which is why she had pledged her allegiance to the Night Owls and their cause. She would do what was asked of her, even if it meant going along with a degenerate clone and hired imperial traitor.

"We're in range," Fennec alerted her.

Koska stood and put on her helmet. She joined Lenore and Cara who were at the back of Slave I. She would have preferred to take on the operation with the New Republic Marshal but Lenore was the one with the hoverboard and she was the one with the jetpack.

"Priority is the armor," Cara instructed. "If you see the saber and can take it, do it, but not at the cost of your safety or the beskar."

"Why isn't his worshipfulness tell us this himself?" Kosha sassed. She didn't like the fact Mando had won the dark saber from Darth Gideon. He had stolen Bo-Katan's chance and right to the throne. To her Mando was nothing but a thief.

"He needs to rest," Lenore said. She was the only one that truly knew what state he had been in.

"Excuse me, but with very few exceptions, you don't look like a medical droid to me," Koska retorted.

"She's right. Mando is weak." Cara confirmed. "It's better he uses this time to rest since this is the easy part of the mission. Should take no time at all."

"If it's so easy, why does she need to come," Koska asked, annoyed. She didn't need or want a sidekick.

"I'm right here," Lenore said to Cara, "Why is she speaking like I'm not?"

"Because as far as I'm concerned you aren't," Koska finally addressed Lenore. She couldn't acknowledge the good work she had done earlier, especially since it would practically be admitting she was wrong. She was ready to get this over and done with. "So keep up. If you fall behind I'm not coming after you."

"No need," Lenore placed her helmet on and pulled out her hoverboard. "I always catch up."

Cara stepped back and opened the ramp of Slave I and watched Koska and Lenore head out toward the mine on the other side of Concordia where they had traced Mando's armor too.

They approached the lower tunnels of the mine. Koska entered and beelined through the lower level quickly. Lenore struggled to keep up. Koska wasn't giving any signals or directions to her. She truly was acting as though Lenore wasn't there. She then turned and stopped on the armory level. She approached a door and took out some detonators to blast the door open when Lenore stopped her and shook her head.

Lenore motioned to two Death Watch soldiers passing at the end of the hall. Lenore and Koska leaned back against the wall hiding in the shadows. The two soldiers passed the hall, Lenore stepped toward the door and examined it quickly.

"Move aside," Koska demanded, pulling out her explosives.

"Put those away before you get us both killed, or worse, captured." Lenore took out a small scanner with a key screw attached to the end of it. She inserted it and pressed a button. The door's key lock flashed and unlocked. "Courtesy of R3."

Koska pushed past Lenore into a small armory filled with weapons, gear, supplies, and Mando's armor. Lenore walked straight toward the armor and began to collect it, while Koska inspected the room.

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