Chapter 37: The Forsaken

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"Decent camp you put together," Mando said as he hung his cape near the fire to dry. Lenore finished roasting the Dianoga tentacle and sliced off some of the meat and handed the rest to Mando. "Thank you."

"I guess ground force training comes in handy after all," she said, catching sight of Mando's chin as he lifted his helmet to eat. "And growing up in an encampment helps. You get creative with what you can roast."

"Cara said you had a brother," Mando hated small talk, but it was the least he could do after everything she had been through the past few days. He also realized he knew little about the ex-Imperial trooper, other than she had defected from the Empire, worked with Kina, and eventually put together a small network of crews that rescued slaves throughout the Outer Rim. Finding out from Cara that she had a rebel brother and hearing from Sashee she had been a fighter in the Arena of Games piqued his curiosity. It would be a good way to pass the time until daybreak.

"Yeah,"she poured some purified water from a makeshift kettle into a leaf she was using as a cup. She took a sip and then refilled it, handing it to Mando. "Had."

"Did he die during the war?" He asked, wondering if he should have remained quiet.

"Sometime after." Lenore wasn't in the mood to discuss Lee or any part of her past. She was still angry about the events of the day. But she could sense Mando was trying to make peace. She had chewed him out pretty good earlier and holding grudges was not something she did. "So how did you end up in this pickle?"

"I was searching for the living waters located beneath the mines of Mandalore," Mando began. He sighed and could hear the Armorer's words echo in his mind:

"Then you are a Mandalorian no more."

"What's so special about the waters?" Lenor asked, confused. There had to be more to the story.

"According to Mandalorian Creed, one may be redeemed if you bathe in the living waters," he said solemnly. Lenore couldn't help but laugh. "What's so funny?"

"You came all this way to take a bath? Why not just get your hands on a bacta tank? I hear Boba has one," Lenore joked. She watched Mando shift his body with annoyance. Joking about this Creed was not a wise thing to do. She shook her head and decided to stop teasing him. "What did you do that needs redeeming?"

"I'm not discussing this with you," Mando said sternly.

"That bad huh?"Lenore continued to egg him on. " I'm sure there's worse things others have done in the galaxy."

"For instance?" He asked.

"I could give you a list from my own experience,"Lenore said honestly. "But you're a Mandalorian. You hold honor as a priority. Whatever it is you've done, you'll make it right. So I wouldn't sulk too much."

"I'm no longer a Mandalorian," his voice was low and full of sadness. Lenore frowned at the statement. "I've been exiled from my covert for showing my face."

"I don't believe that. I never told a soul what happened on the Revenant," she began with a concerned tone. How did anyone find out? She never told anyone. Not Kina, not Wyb, not even R3. "I–"

"Relax,"He said. He hadn't told anyone what had happened on Glavis Ringworld. He had hoped not to. But Lenore had an annoying habit of getting him to talk. He recalled when she had saved him in The Colonies. He had missed Grogu so much he had lost much of his focus. She was able to get him to talk about his distraction. She even gave him hope. "I'm not talking about that. I had a moment of weakness....and I forsakened my vow...I removed my helmet."

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