Chapter 9

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Caroline and Lydia dragged their mates through the French quarter as they looked for Bonnie.

After a while of searching they finally found them walking down the street away from the quarter.

Lydia ran over and hugged Bonnie who seemed very worried about their arrival.

Bonnie quickly whispered in Lydia's ear "Where being followed" before pulling away with a bright smile on her face.

Seamlessly Lydia signaled to her mates to be on edge while Bonnie gave a hug to Caroline similarly warning her.

Over the past year the coven has gotten very good at communicating danger, being around the Mikealsons gives them plenty of opportunities to brush up on their skills. Drama and danger follow that family everywhere, no matter how hard Ally tries to temper fate.

The group continued down the street, going into a few shops to try and seem inconspicuous, they knew the vampires following them could chase them down if they ran, in a fight they would come out on top but that would mean showing their hands.

Allison wanted to stay under Marcel's radar for as long as possible, Rebekah was similarly inclined. She was dreading the confrontation with her mate, if the group let Marcel know Rebekah was there without her consent there would be hell to pay.

Even Damon wasn't that foolish.


Marcel scowled as the two witches became a large group of supernaturals.

Two threats have now become seven, rather suddenly as well.

He quickly motioned for a few of his guys to get some more backup. He was much more cautious now, the group seemed very close, seamlessly blending together.

He watched and waited until they walked into a side ally, away from the french quarter.

He signaled his group to stay back but make themselves known as he sped out in front of the group.


They were just about to make a break for it when Marcel showed up in the road in front of them.

All the girls simultaneously rolled their eyes at the sight of him, because of course they couldn't peacefully leave the city. The Mikelason's had rubbed off on them after all.

"New to town?" Marcel asked, his superiority complex shining through.

Lydia smirked "as a matter of fact, we got a place on the outskirts of the city just a few days ago" she said charmingly.

Damon swung an arm around her shoulder and smirked "What's it to you?" he asked challengingly because Damon just loves to stir the pot, consequences be dammed.

Marcel's smile noticeably tensed as he looked over the group before he laughed and looked to his guys who immediately started laughing as well.

"What's it to me? Well, it's my city, so I think it's my damn business. This city has rules" Marcel asked, standing straighter.

He was slightly surprised when the show of strength received nothing but judging looks as if his attempts were pitiful to them.

The girls all shared a look, slightly mortified that this was Bekah's mate.

Lydia scoffed and shook her head "I would love to see you try and enforce those rules..." she said casually as she looked at all the vampires around.

She smirked at Marcel when he looked like he was rearing up to retort "You seem to be under the impression you're either much stronger than you are or that we are much weaker. I don't know whether to laugh or be offended" Lydia said as she eyed the vampires around her judgingly.

Caroline rolled her eyes "I think it's more pathetic, the so-called king of the quarter doesn't even realize what he's up against. Can't wait to tell Ally about this. She's gonna laugh so hard, Bekah's just gonna be embarrassed" she said while sharing a commiserating look with Bonnie.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!HUH?! This is my City!" Marcel yelled as he flashed his fangs, making the rest of the vampires start shifting aggressively while the group just stared at them unimpressed.

Lydia scowled "Yeah, we have those too dipshits" She said scathingly as her fangs came out, her mates similarly getting ready to fight.

Lydia tilted her head to the side "you know what else I have?" She asked as she held up her hand.

Marcel, realizing he might actually be outnumbered looked at her cautiously.

Lydia smiled, but it was more crazy than friendly "What? Nothing to say now? Well let me show you" She said as she snapped her fingers, breaking every single vampire's neck beside her covens and Marcel's.

Immediately Marcel took a step back as he looked around, he didn't have a chance to run before Lydia was freezing him as she smiled at him "Now that you get the message, I suggest you get with the new order of things. Either adapt or be trampled, bye now, we'll be seeing each other soon!" she said mockingly before snapping his neck and letting his body fall carelessly to the ground.

Caroline immediately jumped into action, she clapped her hands together "let's get home people! Night officially canceled, legs go chill and watch a movie!" She said as she lead everyone out of the quarter.

Lydia pouted but didn't put up much of a fight, she had drained a lot of the magic, she still had more than normal with the boost from the wolf's curse but she wasn't used to using that much magic at once and her body didn't really understand how to handle it yet.

The effect of the magic almost made her drunk, she was very giggly by the time they got home.


Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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