Glass Shard Beach

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    It was a beautiful sunny day out in New Jersey, despite the fact I had class today. Sighing, I close my locker. Turning slightly, my face is met with a solid slab of concrete. No... this is a person. I quickly stumble backwards, stammering an apology. Tilting my head up, my (e/c) eyes are met with warm brown ones. I watch the boy's mouth tug into a smirk. "Hey there, I'm not a crash pad ya know." He chuckled heartily at his own remark, then offered me his hand. "The names Stanley Pines, but you can call me Stan." This man was being surprisingly nice for having been an obstacle two seconds ago. "Uh... I'm Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you." I take his hand, shaking it firmly. Feeling my cheeks warm, I quickly turn away, trying to find my first class. "Hey woah, did I scare ya or somethin'?" He smiles at me, trying to be friendly. "No I just... need to get to class." He regards this in silence. "Well, howsabout I take ya there?" I thought it over for a moment, then accepted the offer. I mean come on, new friend? Yes please.

I sit down in my first class of the day, still trying to figure out how I got a friend on the first day. Stanley doesn't seem to notice my crisis, as he's sat next to me, laughing about a drawing he did in his notebook. "Hey look at this, it looks just like-" Stan finally notices my 1000 meter stare. "Uh... Y/N... you okay?" I snap to reality, looking at him like he just insulted me. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine!" I gingerly open a (f/c) spiral notebook and pretend to pay attention to whatever the teacher is talking about. Despite trying my hardest to tune out the boy whispering bad jokes into my ear, he says one that catches my attention, and I quickly put a hand over my mouth to cover a smile and stifle a giggle. "What, did I finally find a weak spot?" He smirks to himself, scooting his desk just a little closer to me. I smile at him, letting Stan have the victory.

The rest of class goes on normally... well, as normal as having a 6ft teen boy talking in your ear. Once the bell rings, Stanley turns to me while I was packing my things into a brown messenger bag, and puts a large calloused hand on my shoulder. "Hey Y/N, mind if I see your schedule?" I jump, not expecting him to talk to me after this class. "Uh yeah, here." I pass him a yellow piece of paper, and his eyes light up. "Would ya look at that!" He grins happily. "We share four outta six classes!" Oh boy. "You seem happy about this." He looks up at me, a little confused. "Are you not happy? I thought we were friends?" "This guy looks like he has tons of friends," I thought, "Why is he so excited about me?" I simply give a reassuring shrug and say, "I thought you'd have friends to catch up to or something." This statement leaves him speechless. Stan puts his hands on his hips offended, and frowns. "Well I don't. Now are ya comin' with me or what?" I chuckle a little, and follow him out the door.

While talking, he reveals that he has a brother, named Stanford. Stanford huh... Their names were all too similar, so I finally settled on Stan and Ford. "So Stan, am I going to get to see this brother of yours?" He looks over to me, smirking. "Yeah you will, we both have the same class with you." I frown. "Oh good, I get to be friends with another Pines." He pushes me playfully, laughing. "Oh is being friends with me a problem missy?" I chuckle lightly, "Maybe, depends on if your brother is anything like you." He stops at the classroom door and puts a hand on his hip. "Well, this is the class we all share so you're gonna find out!" I groan, playfully rolling my eyes. "I'm sure I can handle it."

Turns out, Ford was nothing like his brother. He looked more like a nerd, being tall and lanky, lacking muscle. Ford also had the personality of one, seeing as he was very shy and stuttered through half of his sentences. I wondered if it's because I was a girl, but didn't mind it. "So Ford, it's super nice to meet you!" He looks over at me, clearly not ready to be taken from his reading. "Uh y-yeah... nice to meet you too... what's your name?" I laugh, nudging him playfully. "It's Y/N, unfortunately we have a mutual connection." I point towards Stanley, who goes from happily giving a thumbs up to grimacing at you. "Well... it's nice to meet you Y/N." I give him my hand to shake, and he hesitates. "Uh... you okay?" I laugh, "I'm not gonna bite you." He rubs the back of his neck with an empty hand, then finally shakes yours. I felt something off, and when observing further I realized it was because he has an extra finger. "Oh, sweet man! A full finger friendlier than normal," I smile at him, and his cheeks turn red. Stanley whispers softly in my ear, "He gets insecure about that, thanks for bein' nice." I shudder at his voice, noticing how close he was to me. "Yeah uh... no problem," I reply, trying to be quiet. Stanford already had his nose back in the book he was reading, and I decide to teasingly take it. "Hey, what's this about?" I ask, looking at the front cover, making sure to save his place. "Hey, give that back you-" Stanford cuts himself off before saying something he might regret, and then frowns at me. "It's a book on Physics, something you two know nothing about." He snatches the book back, clearly not pleased with my playful manner. "Hey Ford... Fordsie. I was just kidding!" He looks at me baffled, as if I just kissed him. "F-Fordsie???" I smile, "Yeah, ever heard of a pet name?" His entire face turns a bright red, and he quickly turns back to his book, pretending to read. Turning back to Stanley, I point back at Ford, shielding my lips from view, and mouth, "What's with him?" Stan simply shrugs, getting back to his work.

I decided that now was a good time to work on my homework, since I already had the class work done. Opening a textbook, I get completely immersed in my work, not noticing that the bell has rung. Suddenly, I felt two hands on my shoulders, one rough and large, the other soft and smaller. I jump, startled from the very unexpected touch. Stan leans close to you on your left side, and whispers softly, his gruff voice being both soothing and alarming, "Hey toots, class is over." I blush before hearing another voice, this time on the right side. "Yeah, it's time to get going Y/N." I stand up quickly and grab my textbook, trying to cover my face, which has turned a deep crimson. Stan stands up and takes my bag for me, pleased with my reaction. Ford on the other hand, has turned away nervously, and I think he might not have been the one with the idea. "Let's get goin, I don't wanna be late." I stare at him. "Uh actually, I share my next class with Ford." Stanley looks at me, a little... sad? Ford however, looks elated, and walks up beside me. "So... Y/N. It seems we do share the next class." I look up at him, his warm brown eyes gazing down to meet my (e/c) one's. I can't help but smile. Maybe I did luck out with these two.

Stanley Pines x reader x Stanford PinesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora