Stanley's Day Out

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    I met Stanley's gaze, and gasped. Covering my chest with my arm, I blurt out, "What the- why are you in here?" Stanley looks down at the mess me and Ford created on the bed, then sighs, shaking his head. "Well, I didn't know you two would get to work so fast..." I look up, and Stanley only avoids eye contact. "I-I'm sorry... Does this change anything...?" I pull a blanket over my body, standing up. "Hm..." He puts a hand on his chin, thinking. "Nope, it just means I'm going to have to work harder for you." He smiles a little, and turns away. "Now please, put on some pants before you make what happened to Ford happen to ME." I chuckle. "Yes sir." Slipping on a pair of red plaid boxers, I hug Stan from behind, forgetting that I have no shirt on. "You should get out of here before Ford comes in..." I couldn't see Stanley's face, but I knew he was blushing. "Y-yep, on my way." He silently walks out of the door, and a few minutes later Stanford came in. "Here... oh." I look at him confused, but his eyes were pointed at my trousers. "What, never seen a woman wear underpants before... ohhhh... these are yours." I go to take them off, but he puts a hand up. "No, keep them on, you look nice in them." He smiles. I take my hands off of the plaid shorts, and grab the towel in Ford's hand. "Thank you, I don't even want to know what would happen to my skin if your... fluid... stayed on it." I cringed at the word fluid, but wiped myself off nevertheless. "It's no problem, now come here!" He grabs me by the arm and basically throws me onto the bed, laying down next to me. He spoons me, softly caressing my (H/L) (H/C) hair. I nuzzle closer to him, and Ford sighs. "I... I love you Y/N." I stop. Should I say it back...? I mean, We've known each other for months, and sure I loved him, but I also loved Stanley. "I love you too Fordsie." I close my eyes, focusing on his deep breaths, and I find myself drifting off to sleep.

    I wake up with a gentle push, and slowly open my eyes. "Ugh.... Who is- WHAT THE-" A skinny but tall man with glasses was sitting in my bed reading something from off my shelf. "Who the FU- Oh wait..." Remembering all that happened last night, I decide to put an arm over him. He chuckles, but I get nudged again. "Oh c'mon, isn't my hold enough..." Ford laughs and replies, "I'm not touching you." I look over to find Stanley standing beside me. "Oh screw you! It's only like... 10 am?" I glance over at the clock. "Get up sleepy head, and put some clothes on." Stanley playfully shields his eyes, making a gagging sound. Stanford puts down the book he was fully immersed in, pushing me a little. "Yeah, you should listen to him." I smile, still half asleep. "Alright alright I'm getting up!" I stand, searching for a shirt. "Here, you said you didn't have anything clean, so I went over to my house while you were asleep." Stanley hands me a large grey sweatshirt, with the words 'I'm with stupid' and an arrow pointing up. "Wow okay, couldn't have picked anything better?" I frown. "Oh shoot sorry, I didn't notice the..." I crack a smile, and he stops talking. "You almost got me there!" Stanley laughs. I pull the shirt over my head. It was a couple sizes too big, but I countered it with some skinny jeans. "Welp, I am officially wearing the boxers of one boy and the shirt of another..." I pretend to contemplate my life choices, and Ford stands up. I look him up and down, forgetting he was completely naked. Stanley turns around, then immediately reverses his actions. "Oh my god what were you two doing last night?!" Stanley covers his eyes, but opens his fingers to wink at me. He mouthed, "Go along with it," and I nod. "I um... oh my gosh Stanley I can explain!" Ford tries to put a hand on his shoulder, but Stanley only huffs. "Just tell me, did you let her finish?" Stanley smirks while Ford puts on my boxers and his slacks. "I... um... I don't know..." I stand there wide eyed. Wait, he didn't even know if you finished? Stanley seemed to have the same reaction, turning to Stanford. "You. Don't. Know?!" He looks a little offended, and I play along, looking anywhere but at Stanford. "I'm sorry I... Y/N, help me out here!" Stanford looks to me, desperate. "No no, how do you not know if I even enjoyed the experience?" Stanford looks down in defeat, before Stanley laughs. "I'm sorry I can't do this anymore! Oh man you should've seen the look on your face Sixer!" He continues to laugh himself breathless, and I chuckle a little myself. Stanford looks back and forth between you two, then speaks up. "Wait wait wait... did you enjoy yourself?" I looked at him, dumbfounded, "Of course I did! If I didn't I would've gone out to Stanley." I smile warmly at him, and he slips into the first shirt he sees on the floor. I look him up and down, Stanley still cackling in the background. "Well then, taken a liking to Elvis?" He looks down, finding himself in one of my shirts. "I uh... well I do enjoy his music..." He puts a hand on the back of his neck, looking away nervously. "Keep it, it suits you." It did seem to be just his size, and it always was a little big on me. Stanley finally stops laughing, looking between you two. "Oh, so I'm the only one who doesn't get a change of clothes?" He smiles, clearly joking. "How about this then?" I pass him a long-sleeve shirt, which had Jason the killer on it. "Oh awesome!" He immediately puts it on, pleased with how well it fit. "Well then, you two should probably get home." Ford looks between the two of you and shrugs. "I can go home. Don't worry, I'll explain our absence bro." He passes by Stanley, giving him a high six.

    With just Stan and I in the house, things were a little different. I plopped back into bed and shrugged. "I don't wake up until noon on weekends." He looked at the sheets, then at me. "Uh... are these stain free enough for me to lay under?" I chuckle, patting the space beside me. "Completely clean, man." He sighs in relief, before hopping into bed beside me. "Oh wow, and you let me sleep on the couch?!" I punch his arm playfully and laugh. He gets comfortable next to me, and I put my arm around him, resting my hand on his chest. His breath hitches, but he turns his body towards me. "Come here Y/N..." I get closer to him, and he wraps his arms around me. Soon I am overtaken by his body heat, the scent of cologne and wood lingering on him. "Mmmmm..." I make a sound of satisfaction. He sighs, and I close my eyes. This was certainly something I could get used to.

At around twelve I awoke, finding myself alone in bed. "I knew it, it was too good to be true." I silently curse myself, before walking out the door of my room and into the living room. I am met with the aroma of... pizza? I don't remember eating pizza last night, but I could've also drunk myself to sleep. I hear the clanging of glass, and I am quickly brought to my senses. "What the- who's there?" I steel my nerves, ready for anything. Apparently, ready for anything except the deep, rough voice of Stanley Pines. "Hey, you had no food in the fridge so I ordered pizza!" I laugh to myself. "So last night and this morning wasn't just a dream?" He walks out into the living room, looking me up and down. "Didn't seem like it, why?" I sigh, relieved. "I don't know... you weren't there when I woke up." He cursed himself silently. "I knew I should've stayed in bed with you... sorry toots." I reply by walking up to him and hugging him, rocking side to side slightly. He wraps his arms around me, rubbing my back with one hand. "Gosh, I can't believe we only met a couple months ago..." I sigh. It's all gone so fast. All the long walks on the beach, talking about our dreams and aspirations. Rough housing in school, which did get us in trouble from the teacher. "All too fast..." I mumble to myself. Stanley kisses my forehead and releases his hold, grabbing me a plate. "Didn't know if you had paper plates, so I used glass." He smiled at me. "Thanks, you didn't have to do this ya know." He grinned, his big dopey face making you smile. "Well, I told ya I'd work harder right?" I put a hand on my face, pretending to be annoyed. "Oh c'mon, you boys are going to fight over me now?" He chows down on the pizza, talking in-between huge bites. "What, you don't like it?" I chuckle at how stupid he sounds with a mouth full of food, and respond. "Nah I don't mind it... besides, I love you both equally!" He scarfs down one more slice of pizza before responding. "Well, I'm hopin' to change that."

    After eating in comfortable silence, I was sitting on the couch watching tv with Stan when there was a knock at the door. "Oh great, who could that be..." I sighed, rising up from my seat. Stan's eyes stayed glued to the television, but he speaks up, "You don't have to answer it y'know." I walked over to the front door, smiling. "Yeah well it might be Ford so..." Opening the door, I was met with a man and woman. The man was tall, and clearly had muscle. His yellow suit contrasted the black fedora he was wearing, and his sunglasses made me unable to read his expression. The woman, on the other hand, was a bit shorter, and skinny, with an hourglass figure. Her long brunette hair was up in a half bun, and her facial features were accentuated by the make up she was wearing. She wore a long red dress and hoop earrings. "Um.... Hello?" I say, questioning who they are and why they are here. "Oh hey! I'm Stanley and Stanford's mother, we came to meet you!" Her thick Jersey accent didn't put me at ease. His parents? Looking past them, I could see a very nervous Ford tugging on the collar of his shirt.

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