Back to School

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    The rest of the weekend flew by quickly, and I soon found myself walking to school again. It was almost too early in the morning, but I decided to take a walk around the block before heading to school. Grabbing my bag, I walked out the door. The morning breeze blew swiftly, the autumn air hitting me like a brick. I could smell the salt from the sea and the aroma of the trees surrounding. It was comforting as I walked, watching the sun rise in the distance. I could hear distant chirping of birds, and I whistled a tune as I rounded the block, feeling the light trickle down my face, warming me. I sigh as I get closer to my house, the sun completely risen in the sky. I hear a door close, and look around, a little taken aback. "Oh..." I mutter under my breath, watching two twins walk out the door, talking and laughing about something. As I felt tired, I just continued to walk, humming a different song. Being alone didn't last long though, as Stanford spotted me quickly. "Hey Y/N, over here!" He waved, and Stan looked over towards me. I shrugged and walked over, sticking my hands in my pockets. "Hey Stan, hey Ford, what's up?" Stan waves and gazes at me questioningly. "Hey, why were you walking towards your house instead of away?" I smile, "I decided to take a walk before heading to school." He exhales, seemingly okay with the answer. "Well toots, wouldn't ya rather take a ride?" He points his thumb towards a red classic car, and I laugh quietly, nodding. "Sure, I'll take a ride." He opens the passenger car door to reveal a long seat, and I got in, sitting in the middle. Ford sat on the passenger seat to my left, and Stan sits on the driver's side. Stanley starts the car, the engine purring to life. I could feel the heater warm the car immediately, and I was content. As we rode down the highway, I glanced over at Stanley, who had one hand on the steering wheel and his other hand on his lap. It seemed he saw me out of the corner of his eye, because he smirked, and I quickly looked away. After a few moments of embarrassment, I could feel a hand rest on my thigh, and when I looked over, Stanley's hand had moved from his lap to mine. My breath hitched, and I could feel my face turn pink. "You okay doll?" He smiled slyly, and rubbed my leg with his thumb. "Yup, just fine!" I looked towards the road ahead, and tried to steady my breathing. 

    Getting out of the car, Ford holds out his hand to me, and I accept it gratefully, smiling as we walked into the school. I stopped by my locker, gently putting away my stuff and closing the door, and jumped back finding Stanley beside me. "What, didjya forget that my locker's beside yours?" I put a hand on my chest and shook my head, smiling. "Yeah I did." I moved past him to walk to our first class, and he followed, talking enthusiastically. As we sat down he brought up prom, which was soon. "Oh yeah, I wasn't gonna go." I shrugged, opening my (f/c) notebook to a random page, prepared to zone out. I become uncomfortable with the silence after a few moments, and turn my head to find Stan staring at me. "Oh uh... yeah no prom is dumb ah haha..." Stan seems to get more nervous as he continues stumbling through his sentences. "Well... I don't think I'd mind going if it was with you." I smile at Stanley, and his eyes light up, a grin spreading across his face. "Right, yeah, so would you... go to prom with me...?" I grinned at his attempt of an offer, and nod my head. "I would love to." He turned back to his seat, not letting his grin fade until halfway through the class. I was trying to pay attention, but caught myself doodling in my notebook. When I zoned back in, the lined page was covered in pictures of the twins, and initials, which read, "(Your first initial) + F + S" My eyes widened and I blushed, putting down the yellow pencil in hand. Stan must have noticed my reaction, as he was looking over my shoulder in an instant. "Oh... what's that there...?" He pointed to a drawing of a shirtless someone, snickering. "Hey, don't make fun of my artistic skill!" I blushed, trying to cover the drawing. He pushes my hand away and smiles, examining the whole paper. "Ya draw good toots, but I have a bit more muscle than that." He laughs again before looking back towards his own paper, smiling wide. "Oh shut up, I just zoned out, I didn't mean to put any of this on paper." He tried to stifle a giggle, putting a hand on his mouth. "But you meant to think of it...?" I shake my head vigorously, blushing a maroon. "Be quiet you knucklehead!" I playfully shove him, and he laughs, lightly punching my shoulder. After being scolded by the teacher, we both quietly went back to work, giggling silently. 

    The next few classes were quite boring aside from Stanley being there. Once the bell had rung, I said my goodbyes, and walked beside Stan to the class that I shared with both of the twins. "I am so tired, I don't think I'm gonna make it the rest of the day." I sighed loudly, and Stanley chuckled. "Well don't sleep through this class doll." I rolled my eyes and took my seat, finding Ford to my left, who's grinning from ear to ear. "What's with the smile?" He snapped out of his trance almost immediately, looking over at me wide eyed. "Ah, nothing, just happy to see you." I smile at that, and look over to Stanley, who's head is in a book. "Unusual..." I mutter to myself. He perks up, looking offended. "What, can't a guy read?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Nope, not you!" He laughs, and points the open book towards me. "It's a comic." I tried to stifle a laugh, but ended up chuckling anyways. "That makes much more sense." He smiles and turns the book back to himself, getting fully immersed in the world of superheroes. The class resumed as normal, although the two boys were quieter than normal. When class ended I quietly packed up my things and walked to the door, forgetting that I usually walk with Ford to science. I feel a hand on my back, and I jump, startled. "Oh shoot, what's up?" Stanford has a disappointed look on his face. "You kind of left me back there." He sits down beside me, and I can feel the guilt well up. "I'm sorry, I zoned out." In response, Ford only opens his textbook and starts to work, trying to pout. "Oh c'mon, you aren't that angry about it, are you?" I smile, and he doesn't say anything. "Alright then..." I think for a moment, trying to find something to get him to talk. "Oh yeah, Stan asked me to prom." I shrug, but he gasps, tensing up. "What?!" I stifle a laugh before replying. "Yeah, and of course I said yes." He grimaces, lightly punching my shoulder. "Haha, very funny. He knows I wanted to ask you." My eyes widen. I thought they were over this drama, fighting over me. "Polyamorous, remember?" I tap my temple, trying to signify that he needs to remember. "We can all go together!" His frown slowly turns into a reassuring smile, and he nods. "Right, we can all go." I look towards the window, nodding. "Mhm." I find myself drifting off to sleep, resting my head on my hands. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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