Something More... (Smut Warning)

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    As days flew by, me, Ford, and Stan have become closer and closer. I finally felt happy, like this was where I belonged. Only one problem, they kept asking to see inside of my house. How could I tell them I didn't live with a Mom and Pop? I felt like they would understand... but what if they didn't? Halloween was rolling around, and they continued to insist upon seeing the inside of my apartment. It was a couple days before Halloween when Stan asked. I was opening my locker when he came up to me, leaning against the locker to my left. "So, is there something you're hiding from us?" I step back, baffled. "No? Why would I hide anything from you?" He looks me up and down, trying to find the blank expression on my face. "Well for one, we haven't been allowed inside your house since we've met..." Who's we, I wonder. I notice Ford standing behind the six foot boy, rubbing the back of his neck. "For two, you've been wearing the same hoodie since the day we've met." I meet his eyes, which look filled with concern. "Okay woah, it's not what you think, see?" I immediately strip the hoodie off of my body, revealing a band tee, and causing Ford to cover his eyes. "Look, nothing out of the ordinary okay?" Stan sighs with relief, and stands up straight. "Well, what about the house thing?" I exhale deeply. I knew the day would come, but I didn't think this explanation would be forced out. "Well... I live alone. No parents, or family at all, for that matter. I was disowned a couple years ago..." I could feel tears welling up. Avoiding eye contact, I look at the floor. "Oh... oh... I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked..."Stan puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Need a hug?" He asks, smiling at me reassuringly. I practically jump into his arms, unable to hide the tears any longer. I silently sob into Stan's chest, not concerned with the questioning looks of other students. Ford walks over and blocks the view of passerby's, giving dirty looks to those who dare stare at you both. Stan just holds me in his arms, rocking me gently. I part from his hug, and wipe my eyes. "Thanks..." Stan just smiles at me, and Ford looks behind him to find you two finally separated. "You okay now?" Ford's voice is warm but gruff, and there was sincerity in his tone. I rush over to him, hugging him tightly. "Yeah, I am now..." After tensing a bit, he wraps his arms around me, rubbing my back. I release my hold on him, and speak up. "Well, now that you know, I guess you can come over to my place." Stan pumps his fist, then composes him self. "Ahem.. I mean, that's good. When?" I smile. "I mean, if you want, you both can come over tonight." Ford looks at me surprised. "I can come too...?" I tilt my head a little. "Yeah of course!" 

    It was nearing seven p.m., and that meant it was almost time for the Pines twins to come over. I brush off my SOAD t-shirt, wondering if it was a bit too tight. "Never mind that," I thought. "I need to find pants." I had searched everywhere, but couldn't find any. Suddenly, there was a knocking at the door. "Oh shoot oh shoot..." I mumbled, digging through a laundry basket. The doorbell rang, and I shouted, "One moment!!!" Finding an old pair of boxers, I had to make due. I opened the door clad in a form-fitting System of a Down tee, and a pair of loose black and white plaid boxers, which hung at my hips, exposing some of my lower waist. "Uh... hi." Ford looked me up and down, before Stan nudged him inside. "What, why are you just standing..." Stanley trails off, mouth agape. "Well uh... I didn't know it was THIS kind of hang out..." Stan muttered, breathless. "I am so sorry, these were the only clean clothes I had." Ford looked away from me, his face turning increasingly red. "Just uh... make yourself at home," I said, ushering them all the way inside before closing the door, making sure to lock it. "Hey woah, first you invite us in wearing... a lot less then expected, and now you're trapping us in?" Stan smirks, flirting. "I get very paranoid about the door okay?" I roll my eyes, then smile at him. Ford takes one more look at me, and then speaks up, clearing his throat. "Um... I need to use the restroom, where might it be?" He adjusts his pants, and Stan squints at him suspiciously. "Down the hall, first door on your right." I shrug, not knowing what was going on. Ford speed-walks to the restroom, and practically slams the door. "Um... that was weird." You say, a little concerned. "Yeah, it was... join me on the couch?" Stan's suspicious frown turns to a smile, and I happily accept. I hand him the remote, and he immediately gets comfortable. Stan spreads his legs, and wraps an arms around me. I scoot closer, and lean on his shoulder. Some horror movie starts playing, and Stan's eyes light up. "Heh heh, if you're as scared of horror movies as you are being tapped on the shoulder, this'll be funny." He looks over to me, laughing. "That is not funny, and I'm totally not going to be scared." I stick my tongue out at him, and he laughs harder. "Sure toots, whatever you say." 

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