A Blooming Friendship

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I walked beside Stanford to my next class, which happened to be science. Sitting down at the lab table, I looked through my bag for a pencil. Nothing. "Shoot..." I quietly mumbled. In almost an instant, someone was at my side, with a hand on my shoulder. "Again? Why do you like to do that so much." I turn my head smiling, to find Stanford with a pencil in hand. "Looking for this?" He twirls it in his fingers, showing off. I snatch it quickly, sticking out my tongue in a tiny act of revenge. He sits down beside me, smiling. "So, it seems between my brother and I, you have a lot on your plate." I shrug, looking over at him. His face looks calm and collected, and I smile warmly at him. "I wouldn't say a lot... I quite enjoy your company!" He tilts his head a little, reminding me of a confused owl. "E-enjoy...? My company?"  I laugh, ruffling his hair. "Of course, I wouldn't have let you sit by me if not." With this he looks at his hands, clutching his pant legs. This time it's my turn to look confused. "Sorry, did I say something wrong...?" Stanford looks up, blushing furiously. His hand goes up, and I expect to be slapped. I wince, but he just smiles and asks, "High six?" I accept, giving him a high five... no... six. Turning back to the workload on my desk, I can't help but feel the warmth rising to my cheeks. This might not be as bad as I first thought it was.

The day ended better then it started, with two teen boys as my first and only friends, things could only go up from here. Suddenly, something nudges my shoulder, causing me to jump. "What the he- oh." I look over to find Stanley smiling at me, laughing. "How did THAT scare you?" Stanford is on my other side, which becomes apparent as he puts a hand on my back, startling me once more. I stumble forward, falling into Stan's arms. He catches me, and grins down, his eyes meeting mine. "Betchya didn't expect... this!" Suddenly, Stan has lifted me into his arms and onto his shoulders. "Heyyy put me down!!!" I demand playfully, patting him on the head. "Are ya sure you want to be put down...?" He says, adjusting me a bit. "Well... I don't know?!" I ruffle his hair around, and to retaliate he bounces a bit, scaring the wits out of me. Stanford is just staring up at me when I realize his gaze is aimed at my chest. It seems the jostling around has caught the attention of Ford, and he noticed my 'parts'. "Hey... earth to Fordsie!" I say, waving my hands around my sternum, snapping him out of a trance. He immediately looks at the ground, and furiously apologizes. "Oh my gosh I am so so sorry I didn't mean to... I mean I just couldn't- I'm so sorry!" I laugh, Stanley looking up at me confused. "It seems Ford has a 'staring' problem," I chuckle, pointing at my chest. "Oh my god Ford..." Stan smacks a hand on his face, getting second hand embarrassment. With his hand off of my leg, I take the opportunity to quickly jump down, and stand in triumph, "Ah hah! Shouldn't have been off your guard!" Stan laughs, before taking my hand and leading me down the sidewalk. "We're goin' to the ice cream parlor, and no fussing!" Ford trails behind, still blushing from the earlier experience. Then it dawned on me. I could feel Stan's fingers intertwined with mine. This sneaky bastard... he was holding my hand without me even noticing! "Hey, isn't this couple stuff?" I ask, holding up both mine and Stan's hand. "Well maybe, but I'm doing it in a friend way." Stan smiles smugly, as if he won something over me. "You know I could just release my grip," I smile, loosening the grip on his hand. Ford's eyes go wide, realizing that you two were getting a little closer then him. "Hey guys, I'm still here." He says, rubbing the back of his neck, which I noticed was a habit of his. I stop in my tracks, catching Stan off guard. "Well, if we are holding hands in a 'friends' way, then join us!" I offer, holding out my left hand. He considers it a moment, before accepting, interlacing his fingers in mine.

Something was different about this experience though... his hand fit more snugly in mine, and I could feel my hand completely enveloped in his six fingers. "Wow, holding hands with you is way more comfortable then with a five fingered hand," I state nonchalantly. I didn't mean to insult or flatter anyone, but Stan frowns at me and Ford blushes. "So you sayin' my hand ain't good enough?" Stan loosens his grip, and I tighten mine. "I never said anything like that, I like the feel of your large rough hands on mine." I rub his knuckle with my thumb, and he turns away, hiding a growing smile. I turn back to Ford, and he tenses. "Well uh... thank you. I don't get compliments like this often." I  look forward, smiling. "Well expect a lot more, because I have a lot of love to give." They both snap their heads, turning to me. "I meant platonically, yeesh." Stan exhales heavily, and Ford turns his head forward. What was with these two?

All of us reach the Ice cream parlor, and sit down at one of the outside benches. Ford has since released his grip on my hand, because it was too sweaty. Stan however, refused to let go until we all got there. "Uh... here's some money to pay for the treat," I pull out a wallet, fishing some dollar bills from inside. Ford goes to accept the money, but Stan stops him, putting an arm out. "Nuh uh, I don't take girls out and expect them to pay toots." He smiles. "You keep that. Vanilla okay?" I blush, feeling as though Stanley thought it was more of a date then he made it out to be. "Uh yeah... thanks." I look down, and Stan walks away to go get the frozen treat. "Haha, sorry about him, he's a little flirtatious." Ford sits down beside me, sighing. "Yeah I can tell, but it's okay, I don't prefer Stan because of it or anything." I sit up, looking over to him. It could just be my imagination, but Ford's eyes seemed to light up at that, as if he needed the reassurance. "Oh that's good... well not good for him but... you get what I'm saying," Ford puts his hands in his lap, twiddling his thumbs. Thinking a moment, I casually offer him my hand, and he accepts it. I look out at the sea, watching the sun start to set. We must have spent a while longer walking then I thought. "This place is just... beautiful..." I inhale deeply, taking in the fall air. "It truly is... I can't wait to sail on those seas..." He smiles to himself, mumbling the last bit. "You want to sail a ship?" I ask, confused. "Yeah! Stan and I are going to sail away from here one day... finding treasure and fame." His glasses reflect the sun, so I can't tell what expression he's making, but he seems determined about it. "That sounds... amazing." I feel a large, rough hand on my shoulder, and I grin, "You can't scare me with the same thing three times." Stan sits down beside me, handing me a cone. "It was worth a shot." He hands Ford one, mint chocolate chip. I look towards Stan, who has Rocky road. "Well, that explains a lot." He turns to me, licking the ice cream off his lips. "What does?" I smile, thinking of a way to explain it. "I feel like the ice cream flavors you got explain a lot about you both." Ford squeezes my hand, trying to catch my attention. I lick the vanilla ice cream in hand, staring at him. "What does... my flavor say about me? Ice cream flavor that is!" He blushes, letting go of my hand. "Well, I couldn't tell you that, or it would ruin everything!" You playfully nudge him, and he chuckles heartily, "Fair enough."

After a minute passes of dead end conversation, I  decide to mess with them a little. While Stan is enthusiastically talking, I seize the moment, taking his hand with the ice cream in it, and leaning in to take a lick of it, licking my lips slowly after. I make eye contact with him, and he blushes a deep red. I knew what I was doing, but played clueless anyways. "What, I wanted to try some!" I smile, cocking an eyebrow. "I uh... haha yeah I know that, what does it look like I thought?" He stutters. I shrug, letting him continue his story. I was trying to figure out how to get Ford, when something caught my eye. It was the most beautiful sea shell I've ever seen, and was a distance a way. This gave me an idea. I handed my ice cream to Stanford and pointed. "I'm going over there to get that shell, stay here, and don't eat my stuff!" I squint at him, and he chuckles. Jogging over to the shell, I make a point to face your back to him. Knowing that he was looking my way, I pick up the shell slowly. Once I had the shell in hand, I ran back to the twins. Ford looked at me, then quickly looked interested in the surrounding beach. Stanley shoots me a wink, as if he knew what I was up to. I pocket the shell and turn my head to Ford, who's face looks like a cherry tomato. "You okay? I only grabbed a seashell." He meets my gaze, his eyes trying to figure out what I was up to. "Yeah I'm... I'm okay! Just fine." "Were you convincing yourself or me?" I giggle. Stanley puts his arm on the part of the bench behind me, and I scooted a little closer to him. I would've gotten away with it, but Ford immediately noticed. "Is something wrong Y/N...?" He looks at me with concern. "Uh... no no! Sorry. I was just uh..." I stammer, trying to justify why I was practically in Stanley's arms. Stanford nods, understanding what was happening. "I see... well, it's getting late. WE should probably get going." Stanford stands up, glaring at Stanley. "Uh yeah... sorry Y/N, want m- us to walk ya home?" I smile, standing up. "Sure, I live near that Pawn shop and Phone Psychic." Stan's eyes light up, and Ford smiles happily. "Would ya look at that! We live across the street from you!" I groan, and roll my eyes. "So I have to spend MORE time with you both?" Stanley looks taken aback, while Ford frowns. "Do you... not want to?" Ford grimaces. "Oh I'm only kidding, c'mon you two." Stanley hesitates, but follows behind me. Ford decided to take this moment that Stan's not at my side to run up beside me, talking enthusiastically. I smile. "Thanks for walking me guys."

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