Poem 27 titled "Glass"

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Anxiety and worrying about others can make you bottle up your own feelings and thoughts. Don't let yourself explode. Express yourself and your feelings. You matter.

As fragile as glass
There's only so much
I can handle

The unheard screams
Kept within
Wishing that I could let them out

Crack! Crack! Crack!
The fragments of myself
Begin to splinter

Muffled words
That I keep repressed
Wishing that I could be heard

Crack! Crack! Crack!
I'm continuing to break
Barely holding on

Comments that are made
Feeling like I'm constantly forgotten
I'm even more hurt than I let on

Crack! Crack! Crack!
It's becoming harder to keep going
When I'm about to rupture

I'm keeping a smile on my face
I'm keeping the tears in
I'm keeping the pain bottled inside

Finally, it seems as though my charade is working
As if no one can tell what is truly going on inside
But then

Crack! Crack! Boom!
I shatter all over the place
Shards of glass scatter across the floor

I burst
And everything floods out
I'm unable to stop it

The tears, the screams, the feelings
Disintegrated across the tile
No longer inside

Everything is out in the open
Where everyone can see
I can finally feel free

Until there comes that time
Where I must bottle it all up again

"Sweet little baby in a world full of pain..."
-The Neighbourhood
Keep reading<3

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