Joke's On You, I Know How To Swim

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The Imperial Prince looks down at the child who was approaching him with a seemingly disinterested look in his eye. As all members of the Imperial faction do, the youngest prince bows down respectfully before his older brother.

Just because they were related by blood does not mean that they are of equal footing. Tommy knows that- has always known that.

"Glory forever to the Blood of the Antarctic Empire." He greets, bowing his head with his hand placed appropriately on his chest.

He takes great care in enunciating his greeting properly. He could almost hear Clara, trailing behind them, with pride. (Un)Fortunately, it is only Sam the knight, and Technoblade the pig accompanying Tommy.

It takes a moment longer than usual for the Imperial prince to acknowledge the greeting. Tommy is certain that he's doing this on purpose--when others greet him, he is quick to acknowledge them. Tommy knows he's doing this to spite Tommy.

Technoblade finally nods, before Tommy could finally go at ease.

This is their second time together after their meeting in the throne room. It was at least going better than the previous encounter, with Tommy having to catch up to the man's pace as they walked together (silently) through the gardens.

Curse these short legs, Tommy had repeatedly thought with irritation. No, my legs are normal, he'd reason with himself, because his own mind made for a more interactive dialogue than one with Technoblade, It is the Blood Prince's knees that must be cut down.

Of course none of his plight had been voiced out. Tommy may have been tired by the quick walking he had to follow Technoblade with, but he was certainly capable to catch up. He's been training, after all. Training for the very likely event that he would have to run for his life on the occassion that Technoblade suddenly decides to off his (currently known) only brother.

Thankfully, none of the hardships of the previous meeting had been present for this encounter--so far, at least. He's willing to give that.

Why, you may ask?

Because in the garden where the two princes met is a very enticing lake, with an equally enticing boat.

Tommy's eyes sparkled at the sight of the floating boat, as small as it is. It is made of wood, as per Tommy's knowledge. Wood, with engraved gold off on its sides, and seats with velvet cushions that Tommy knows is going to be softer than it looks.

It catches Tommy's eyes for multiple reasons--for one, there is a seat. He would rather seat today than have another session of leg work out with his brother. Another thing is that there are a few things that Tommy could potentially nab off the boat without anybody noticing. Small trinkets of gold and gems hanging off as decoration--surely no one will miss it.

But most of all, the biggest reason why Tommy's already sparkling eyes glitters at the sight of a boat on a lake is because he... he wants some semblance of his old life. He used to live by the sea at some point, and there was no shortage of venturing in the oceans.

And while the lake is nothing to the vast waters of adventure, it was the closest thing he could get.

It's been a while, he realizes. He wonders if his brothers are faring well.

Based on their last encounters... Tommy would have to say that they're likely to be doing better now that he's gone.

"Are you interested in the lake, Theseus?" Technoblade asks,

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