Character development my fucking foot

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Sam smiles, carrying Tommy in his arms while escorting him to his older brother.

"What are you so happy about?" Tommy asks, as if just earlier, Sam hadn't nearly beheaded every courtier in the palace for fuckign rugs. Yeah, Tommy had quickly de-escalated that situation, thank the stars. Whatever rocker Sam's head was on must have toppled over and burned.

"I'm just happy that you're getting along well with your brother, The Imperial Prince Technoblade." He says, eyes crinkling.

Tommy nearly gags at the thought. That couldn't be more far from the truth, actually. "I love my brother! Of course I'd get along well with him!" Tommy says, trying to refrain from putting Sam in a choke hold. He's tempted. Sam is in a vulnerable position and he could very well choke the man.

Chances are though that he'd likely die before he could do any sort of damage other than emotional towards the green haired guardian.

"That's true," Sam says, and there's a warmth in that tone that Tommy would have likely trusted if it weren't for the fact that he had highly suspected Sam of murdering an innocent horse. "Your brother has been very lonely, before you came into his life."

The young prince thinks dully: When the man had abandoned his little brother, you mean? Tommy would have scowled, but the most he allows himself to show is a stoic sort of expression. Unreadable, one that looks like a kid processing what's going on.

"Why's he lonely? He could always visit me, you know!" Tommy prods at it anyway. He's curious, sue him. Why did he abandon Theseus? Why did he abandon him, a mere infant, and then kill him when he grew older and got the love he actually deserved.

Sam had a forlorn expression on his face, and Tommy had the urge to wipe it out. What did this man do to deserve that look on his face, when he's done nothing in the past?

"He carries a burden."

"Is that why he didn't see Tommy until now?" Tommy nearly spits, but the exaggerated childish intonation he stressed out seemed more like... childish disdain.

The guardian holding him looks saddened. "I..." Come on, answer it. Answer it, hypocrite. "I don't think I'm the right person to answer that." Sam says instead.

Tommy blinks. But he's the right person to murder a fucking horse?

He's grounded now, at least, knowing who these people really were. The type to murder on a whim, just like they got rid of Theseus in the original story.

He'll have no part of it. He's determined to live in this run of things. Damn them.

"That's okay! What matters is that Brotherblade likes me now!" Tommy says mindlessly, just to add to his unconditionally loving character.

Tommy doesn't notice the hurt expression on Sam's face, nor did he notice how he worded that.


There was a peculiar expression on Theseus' face when the Imperial Prince allowed William to sit at the same table. William did not fail to notice how the crystal eyes seemed to dull a bit, shining a little less under the dull light that was further away from the center of the room, under the chandelier. He set it aside as the light. It did wonders on the complexion of a person, much more to the way light reflects off the eyes of all things.

William has yet to test that, actually. Under the brown contact lenses he dons each time anyone other than his good friend Schlatt is within the premises, he has those exact same blue eyes. He hadn't had much time to play with his features as of late, especially with how frequent visitors have been coming and going in the Southern Duchy's estate recently.

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