People change like the tides in the ocean, you know, like that song

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Tommy approaches the door with the gaudy decorations. He strongly dislikes the door. It's a dumb door, with gold etched in the frame and with the door being irrationally large. Why does it have to be so big? Is Technoblade a giant?

No, he isn't. In fact, Tommy is just about willing to bet that he'd be taller than the Imperial Blood Prince He was in the past life, actually. Tommy was a whopping six foot three, taller than his father.

He frowns.

Right. His family.

He hasn't thought about them in a while. He's had more concerns, but that doesn't mean that he completely planned to neglect his family. His real family. The one that he lost when he woke up as an infant one day.

This isn't the same world, likely, but Tommy wants to try. He wants to try and find if there is a version of his family here. A father, two brothers, a pair of best friends, a cow.

But Tommy... Tommy is certain that he lost them long before he woke up as an infant anyway. Nowadays all he can wonder is if they noticed if he was gone.

It's a dreary thought, but the ache made him feel more. It made him feel human instead of this revered toddler prince, treated like a child god among men. Innocent, without scars. Tommy doesn't have scars now, sure, but he feels the phantom pain of an arrow in his shoulder, and burns from a conflict he had to resolve.

He doesn't have them now, but he had them, and that's all that matters with scars.

Tommy looks up at Clara, waiting patiently behind him. She looks at him with a smile, and eyes telling him to take his time. This is for leisure.

Clara isn't family. Not even when she's come to raise him alongside so many other maids and ladies and courtiers. She isn't family when she's not Tommy's. She's Thesesus', but not Tommy's. The thought upsets him.

The feeling of loneliness aches when there's nothing else to be worried about.

Other than, of course, his impending doom lying behind two gaudy fucking doors.

Tommy suppresses a sigh, something he's been doing often, and he knocks.

Which had no point, by the way, because Clara opens the door for him. It was improper for a royal to open his own doors when there are people who are around to do that for him, apparently. He hates etiquette classes. He's just a little dude. He's not some god.

Well, he is a god. He's god tier. So many women back in his old life.

"Hello brother!" Tommy greets Technoblade, who is behind a desk full of paperwork. The man doesn't raise his head from his work, and merely sends a glance to Tommy before proceeding with whatever paperwork he's got to do.

One more thing that future Tommy will have to do, apparently. Paperwork. He's going to have to do paperwork one day.

Hopefully he's out of the castle before that. Prime forbid that he gets actual work. He's good with learning, sure, but he does not want to do paperwork of all things. Maybe he should go farming, or building. If he moves to the Northern Duchy, maybe he can introduce the holiness of cobblestone, or if he moves to the Eastern Duchy, he can farm all he wants, without a lack of food and without want for money.

"Theseus." Technoblade finally acknowledges. He raises his head after finishing a page. It doesn't take more than a look from Technoblade for Clara to bow, and leave the room. She shuts the door while she backs away with respect and reverence in her steps.

Technoblade pushes his chair back when he stands, the loud scratch of the wood against marble rings against Tommy's ears, but he doesn't mind it.

He moves around the table and walks away. Tommy follows wordlessly, as he usually does unless he's wordlessly dismissed.

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