Birthday Brother Bothers

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William had been the only one to be there that day. He stood before the younger prince's room, and already it's a stark contrast against the consistently clean Emerald Palace. While the Emerald Palace had looked beautiful, draped every inch in gold and luxury, the Sapphire palace hadn't lived up to its royal name. A palace. This was much like an abandoned shack in comparison to an entire manor.

And they had attempted to cater to William as he waited. He'd tried to displace him to another room, to a cabinet for a more suitable waiting space. William could feel nothing but disdain for the maids who had done nothing but try to cater to him. He wasn't a noble. He was merely Schlatt's... Schlatt's pawn . He was his father's ward, and without Schlatt's father around anymore no one really knows what his real position is.

Apparently they deem it higher than Theseus'. He is a Prince, and William Soot is without a title.

He abhors it here.

He wishes nothing but to take his little brother away, to have him by his side while he pursues his dream of travelling. Maybe he could bring Tobias along sometimes. Maybe these hopeless children draped not in luxury but in politics could be happy, somehow.

It's wishful thinking.

The door finally opens, and William sees how rugged his little brother looks. He looked as if he dressed himself. William tries to steel his expression into a smile, but he could not, seeing how Theseus looked to be distressed in presenting himself so shamefully.

William grins, instead. The frown is pushed away by his teeth. He presents a box towards Theseus, letting his little brother be shocked rather than ashamed. He watches as the expression on little Theseus' face shifts from a contorted frown to a pleasant confusion.

He hands the package to Theseus, letting him finally touch something that was handled with genuine care.

Theseus holds it, and he looks up, confused.

It's answered by William's next words, his confusion being replaced by elated tears.

"Happy eleventh birthday, Theseus."

"Happy birthday, Theseus." Technoblade greets, meeting Tommy's sprint with a lift. He'd catered to his whims by swinging the child around while he carried him through the underside of his armpits. Tommy finds it fucking hilarious how he could do something so startlingly wholesome but still maintain that sort-of stoic face. Alright, bastard, that sounds like a fucking challenge.

Emotionally constipated pig bastard. He probably thinks he's so high up there for being so stoic . Cringe. L. Super cringe. Sounds so toxic. Imagine not wanting to laugh. Emo shit.

Tommy lets himself giggle though when he stops swinging around. He's not going to admit that it's fun . He's not . It's not fun, it's thrilling and he hasn't had anything thrilling happen in a while now.

Come to think of it, he thinks the last time anything happened was the whole... magic allergy thing. Even then, prior to that point not much had happened in that two years. Eventually the more... perilous attempts at his life (those of which, in hindsight, seem very much less an attempt at his life and more as an exaggeration of such).

That doesn't erase Tommy's fears for the future, though. He likes the fact that currently, he's favored just as much, if not more, than William from the novel, but also he doesn't trust this to be permanent. While the Prince of Blood is understood to be a solid, flat character, the Prince he knows now is nothing of the sort. Very dynamic. Moodswingy. Clingy . But all the more dangerous because he's unpredictable.

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