The Love For The Mafia

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  I was sold as a child. My mother was in extreme debt to the world's ruthless mafia family and I was worth half of it, her life covered the rest. Having been six when my mother did this, and not understanding why she would do such a heartless thing, I have always held a grudge against her. I have been trained to be one of the best servants since I arrived here. An outsider would see a servant as just a servant, but in a family like this, perfection is the only way you can survive. I have seen what mistakes get you in this house and I have trained my hardest to never find out what the consequences felt like. Especially if you're the servant to the prince of the mafia. 

  Growing up with him changed my view on the world, no matter how perfect you try to be it will never be enough for the people you love. I was 15 when I felt the first spark of attraction toward him. The day of my 16th birthday was when I lost my virginity to him.  It hurt to find out I wasn't his first, then again his father has forced him to do many unspeakable things by the time he was 12. 

  Every day after that for six months our bond grew stronger and our love for each other blossomed, or so I thought. That day I was doing my usual duties for the prince and had an idea to surprise him in bed. Embarrassment ate at my gut once I walked into his room half-naked with him doing everything I planned to do with another woman. 

Since then I've been mute towards him. I do my standard duties for him but never talked, never been in the same room alone with him, and never looked in his eyes for the last four years. He's tried to get me alone to talk multiple times, but after a while, he stopped and continued on with other women, making me clean his bed that has been stained with their mixed juices after every time. I know he's trying to break me by doing that but he doesn't know that he already did that the day I walked in on him. But for the past few months, I haven't seen him with anyone. No duties to clean wet sheets and no obnoxious noises coming from his room. 

Today was unlike any other day, today was the day the prince became the king. I have been pushing this day to the back of my mind for months now, knowing that soon he will have to choose a queen and I know that queen will not be me. I will have to serve a woman I will envy and watch them raise their own kids for the rest of my life. I might just have to end my life Romeo and Juliet style, just without the Romeo. 

Walking into his room with a tray full of breakfast foods, three other servants were gracefully dressing the man of the day. I sat the tray down on the table but before I could walk out one of the ladies requested my help. 

"Vi, May you please help me with this tie. I have to get prince Cane's cape ready." 

I nodded my head and tried my hardest to have a blank expression, but internally my body was rushing with blood and I could feel my heartbeat in my ears. Grabbing the tie that was hanging around his neck, I began working as fast as I could. I haven't been this close to him in so long that I could smell the cologne that he has been using since our first date. I picked it out for him. His adams apple glided against my fingers as he gulped. Electricity shocked me and the air began to feel hotter. I quickly finished up, leaving the room before I do something I would regret. 

The ceremony was beautiful. Seeing him being crowned revealed emotions I have been pushing down. The clean-up was the worst part. Several servants including me had to clean up the recked ballroom and we didn't finish until 2 am. I was walking back to my chambers sore and exhausted when a hand reached out from the dark and covered my mouth and nose. The unknown person dragged me into a room that was lightly lit with candles. I soon realized that this room was the king's room. I was quickly strapped in a chair and I heard the door lock. I was honestly too tired to try to resist so I sat in the chair and waited. 

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