Chosen By The Werewolf

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 It was last month when my best friend confessed that she was supernatural. During the first two weeks, I had some adjusting to do. Part of me felt good that she could now be comfortable with me and show her true self. But watching her drink bags of blood still makes me feel queasy, which is what she was currently doing. 

Wiping the blood off of her lips, Sam stated, "You should join me at the party tonight." 

"Party? As in supernatural party?" I questioned. These parties only happened twice a month. Sam recently told me about them, and once she described how wild this event was, I understood why she would come home as a complete mess some nights. 

Sam nodded. "All I ask is, please don't eat, drink, or go into any of the private rooms with anyone." 

I huffed jokingly. "Then what's the point of even going? But I get it, safety first. I'll bring my snacks." 

"Good. Now let's get ready. You can borrow my clothes." 

Sam's clothes were the definition of a slut, but to my surprise, they made me feel the most confident I have been in a long time. 

Confusion shot into me once we arrived in the middle of nowhere, only surrounded by trees. Sam noticed. 

"You honestly didn't think one of the biggest parties in the world would just be in town?" Sam questioned and laughed once my silence answered. 

We began walking down an overgrown path. As we got closer, the music got louder. 

The mansion finally came into view, and I gasped at its beauty. It reminded me of Edward in Twilight by how it shined so brightly in the moonlight. The walkway to the entrance was made out of black stone, and beautiful ponds were on either side. Thousands of people were on the lawn dancing, smoking, and drinking. Only they weren't people. Taking a second look, I noticed features that no human would ever have, from purple textured skin to horns in various places. Each creature looked more horrifying than the last.

"If you ever feel uncomfortable, just tell me, and we can leave," Sam whispered in my ear. "But please don't have that disgusting look on your face." 

Walking into the mansion, it looked like double the number of people than outside. People were still dancing, smoking, and drinking, but they were naked. My eyes couldn't look away from the different shapes and sizes of the various body parts. Especially the cocks. Some were textured, some had more than one, and some were in different shapes. How could that even fit? Those spikes would cut up my insides. I'd love to experiment with that one. I had to shake away these lustful thoughts passing by, but my body burned with excitement. 

 Sam directed me to a couch that wasn't covered with alcohol and sticky body substances. 

"I kinda forgot it was orgy night." Sam rubbed the back of her shaved head. "I'll be back. I need a drink." 

I thought the same and opened my bottle of hard liquor. My eyes locked onto the stage that was currently showcasing a mouth-watering man. At first, he looked like a human, but then his body began to transform into, what I believe to be, a werewolf. But not like any werewolf that the movies showed. He was completely naked. His hair turned snow white, his body got bigger and more define, and his dick looked painfully hard. 

He began performing like a male stripper. His sweat glistened under the overhead lights and his sexual dances made my core heat up.  I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. 

As he was ending his performance, I caught sight of precum sliding down his length. I could feel my wetness soak through the thin fabric I was wearing. I was disappointed when he walked off stage.

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