A Run In

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The end of the year is coming. So far everyone was safe. Hagrid had won the trial for Buckbeak, much to Lucius Malfoy dismay.

Rose made more friends but she knew some were fake. She knew that they only wanted to be her friend because the Potters adopted her. At least she could tell who were fake and who were real.

Harry liked hanging out with Rose, even if it was for a short amount of time. Due to not being in the same year or classes they don't get to talk much.

The three marauders have been stressed. Pettigrew have been spotted a few times in the past few months. Each time he was spotted he was closer to the school.


The golden trio and Rose were spending the last day of school before they leave at hogsmeade. They weren't allowed to be there, but know Harry they never followed the rules.

Rose was only there to get away from everyone, she couldn't handle so many people faking being her friend. Another reason she was there was to make sure Harry doesn't get himself killed.

It was around eight o'clock when they decided to go back. It was getting dark and the moon was already coming out. Luckily for them it was only a half moon.

As they were walking back a rat ran between their feet. Rose remember what James told and kept her hand on her wand.

The rest of the group ignored it and continued walking. They were almost there when when they heard a tree branch snap. They looked around to see who it was.

It was Sirius and James with very angry faces. They all knew that they were in trouble.

"What were you thinking?!" James started "what made you think it was a good idea to go out without supervision?"

The kids looked at each other before Hermione spoke up. "We just wanted to spend the day together away from everyone."

"Yeah, besides you did it when you were kids." Harry stated.

"That's different," Sirius began.

"How?" Ron asked.

"Well for starters there wasn't a serial killer trying to get revenge on us when we were kids." James looked at everyone with a disappointed look. He may normally be a goofy parent but right now he was serious.

Rose saw the disappointment on the two professors faces and that only made her feel disappointed in herself. She looked down not say a word cause she knew no matter what they say nothing would change.

The golden trio try to talk their way out of being punished, when suddenly a spell when right by them.

Everyone turn to look at who sent the spell at them. The person who shot it at them were in the shadows. Even if they couldn't tell who it was, they knew exactly who did it.

James and Sirius quickly push the kids behind before another spell was shot at them. The spell disarmed the two adults making them more scared.

"Well well well" a voice from behind them said. It was a voice Rose knew all to well. She thought the person would stay away, that they would already be dead.

James quickly turned around looking into the eyes of Bellatrix Lestrange. He hated the woman. She took his daughter away from him.

Everyone knew about the news of more death eaters escaping Azkaban but didn't say much of it. Most of them have been caught again and went back. Bellatrix and Peter were some who still are on the run.

The group were surrounded by the two death eaters waiting for them to make a move. James and Sirius may not have their wands but they will still fight. The kids aren't as advanced as the adults which made them more nervous.

"I thought this would be much harder but it seems they have fallen into the trap." Bellatrix said walking towards the group. "I thought they would be smarter than this."

Peter didn't say a word. He stared at the group with an evil smile. He knew exactly how to torture the family.

It has been a few minutes since the group was trapped. They never let their eyes off of the two death eaters. Suddenly more people started walking towards them.

It was more death eaters. It was enough to separate the group from each other.

Sirius and James pulled the kids closer to them thinking what they should do and hoping that someone would come to help them.

Now the group was scared. They were out numbered. There was nothing they could due if they didn't want to die.

In a quick movement the group was separated. James and Sirius were both in the middle of the circle, while the kids were being held by death eaters.

Panic and fear fell on them, looking at the kids who were scared out of their minds being man handle by death eaters.

"Let's get the party started shall we."

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