9: Training With Vegeta

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Cellas powerlevel: 70 Trillion
Cellas powerlevel (MSSJ): 3.5 Quadrillion
Cellas powerlevel (SSJ2): 7 Quadrillion
Cellas powerlevel (SSJ3): 28 Quadrillion

I woke up after a few days of rest after my fight with lord beerus I climbed out of bed and threw on shorts and an XL Shirt and went into my kitchen and started prepping some food as I was waiting I had heard my door bell go so I looked in the mirror and tried to make my hair somewhat presentable after I had opened the door to see Vegeta standing there "Oh hey vegeta what's up?" I asked

"Good you're finally awake, may I come in?" Vegeta asked

"Yeah sure, I'm making food are you hungry?" I asked him

"I could go for a good meal right now, thanks" Vegeta said sitting at my table after the food was ready I dished it out between vegeta and I as I bought the plates and placed them at the table I asked "What brings you here?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to train together, like we used to back in the day?" Vegeta asked

"Yeah of course I'll go change I assume you know how to set up the gravity room?" I asked stifling a laugh to which vegeta just shot me a glare causing me to laugh out loud as I went to get changed when I entered the gravity room vegeta set it to 500x gravity immediately we both felt massively weighed down as we launched at each with not much speed, I swiped his leg but he jumped over me and kicked me across the jaw sending me flying back I regained my balance before crashing into the wall as I sent an barrage of energy blasts at him, vegeta bought his arms up to block the blasts without any hope of escaping vegeta powered up to Super saiyan sending my own energy blasts back at me.

I too transformed into Super saiyan and deflected the blasting flew at vegeta since we were now both in super saiyan the gravity barely had any affect on us we had phased in and out of the gravity room creating shockwaves with every blow I found an opening and elbowed him in the stomach and bought my leg crashing down on his head sending him crashing into the floor when the smoke cleared he was standing there in Super Saiyan 2, I followed suit now what little effect the gravity had on us in super saiyan had now completely disappeared we flew at each other at full speed with no gravity weighing us down, vegeta flanked my attack and punched me hard in the face and started furiously attacking me "You had more power than this when you fought beerus don't hold back on me Cella!!!" Vegeta yelled raising hisbpower to match that of a Super saiyan 3 while still on his Super saiyan 2 state so I followed suit and powered up to Super saiyan 3 and sent vegeta flying back due to the power increase

"Is this what you were looking for?" I asked vegeta just grinned at my question and bought his hands up and charged his attack

"Galick!Gun!!Fire!!!" Vegeta yelled unleashing his attack

"Ka!-Me!!-Ha!!!-Me!!!!-Ha!!!!!" I yelled my beam clashed with vegetas as we poured more power into our attacks the gravity room had switched off and started smoking within an instant we dropped out attacks and forms and left the gravity room

"I think we broke your gravity room" Vegeta said smirking

"Yeah apparently, think you can get bulma to fix it?" I asked

"I suppose so" Vegeta said walking to the front door when he was just outside he turned and smirked putting a thumbs up and said "Its good seeing you awake and healthy Cella" Vegeta flew off as I closed my door and leaned against the wall, 'after a few days of rest it was probably wasn't the best idea to go straight into an all out fight, especially with vegeta of all people' I thought to myself

Word count: 686

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