Chapter 1

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*Vanessa's pov*
Today I start high school and I don't want to go, but I already knew I had to go because of my mom, so I got up and put on a mint green skirt and a black crop top. I put on my mint green converse because I am not that much of a girly-girl. I went downstairs to eat breakfast and by the time I was done it was 6:40. I had 20 minutes until I had to go to the bus stop so I watched t.v the rest of the time. By the time I was half way through the show I was watching(pretty little liars) it was time for me to go to the bus stop. Once I got on the bus I put my headphones in and listened to Ed Sheeran, one of my favorite singers. I got to school and looked at my schedule and the school was huge. It had two floors and like 2,000 classrooms(note the sarcasm). My first period was history and I was pretty good at history. I got to my history class and noticed that I had the same classes as my friends. I was so happy once I saw their faces in the same classroom as me.

I went up to them and started talking until the teacher came in and told us to take our seats. "Hello guys, my name is Mrs.Walls and we are Going to just have a free day today, but tomorrow it's going back to work." My teacher, Mrs.Walls said. Me and my friends all started talking about random things that came to our heads, but once Christopher asked the question he asked me, I zoned back into reality.

"So Vanessa, is there any guys you like right now?" Christopher asked.
Truth is I like him but I can't tell him that because then it will ruin our friendship.

"No, not right now. Why do you ask?" I questioned, for some reason scared of what he was going to say next.
"Well me and Samantha are going out and we wanted to tell you sooner but it just never came out." He said and at that moment I froze, thinking how long have they been going out. So of course me being me I asked "how long have you guys been dating?"

"Tomorrow is our 2 month anniversary, so yeah 2 months." Samantha said. I knew I was going to have to get used to their relationship because honestly they looked really happy together.

The rest of the day went by fast. Mostly because I was zoned out in most of my classes because they were really boring. Right now I was trying to find where my bus was and turns out it was the first one so I had to walk all the way to the front of the school because we get out from the back of the school.

I got on the bus and did what I did this morning and I also talked to my friends and I got used to them dating. Maybe one day I will find the guy I want to spend the rest of my life with.

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