Chapter 11

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Vanessa's pov
*after Shawn's speech*

When he said all that to me I was in tears. I took me a long time to answer, but I finally answered the question. Shawn is the most kind person you will ever meet and if you do meet him I'm sure he would treat you right so my answer was yes.

He looked shocked when I told him yes, but when he came back to reality he hugged me so tight that I could nearly breath. "Can't..... Breath." I told him. "Oh sorry. I'm just happy that you said yes. I promise you that I will be the best boyfriend you'll ever have." He told me. I just smiled as a respond back. Finally the Ferris wheel started moving again and when our cart got to the bottom we got off and Shawn automatically kissed me.

Why didn't he kiss me on the Ferris wheel? Haha just kidding. Either way it would have been good because now I can finally tell him that I love him and I can finally call him mine. Shawn has always been that happy person. Sometimes he will be sad, but in a matter of minutes he will be happy again. He never fails to make you smile and that's what I love about him.
When he said that he will be the best boyfriend I'll ever have, that made me feel happy. I don't know why, but it just did.

I've never had a boyfriend in my life so Shawn is my first. After a while of waking around in a comfortable silence we finally went back to the car to go home.
*skip car ride*
When Shawn parked his car in his driveway we got out and I started walking away. Shawn followed me. "You don't need to come you know that right?" I asked.
"Yeah I know. I just want to. Can I stay over your house tonight?" He asked me. "Yeah. Just tell your parents and I'll tell mine." I told him. He replied with 'okay' and got his phone out. Wow Shawn. You can't even go best door to tell you parents your staying over. I mentally laughed.

"They said it's okay as long as your parents are okay with me staying." He said. "I'm pretty sure that there going to be okay with it since we've been friends for a really long time." I said to Shawn. My parents really do love Shawn. This one time I came home and they were just like 'Shawn is a very good kid. You two would make a very cute couple.' And other stuff like that. We entered my house and went to my room. "Mom, dad, Shawn's going to be staying the night, okay?" I said before I entered my room. They said okay. I didn't close my door because I already know the rules. 'No closing the door when you have guys in your room.'

Kevin came in my room and pulled Shawn out. "What do you think your doing?" I asked. "Well I'm stealing your boyfriend for, I don't know, like 1 minute." Kevin told me. "Okay whatever. And how do you know that we're going out?" I asked Kevin. "Well I saw on Instagram that you and Shawn posted a picture of you two kissing so you know I just assumed that you guys were going out." He smiled. I rolled my eyes and closed my door. While Shawn was with Kevin, I scrolled through my Instagram. I went to the picture and looked through the comments. There were some saying 'awe that's such a cute couple!' And others saying 'ewe she's ugly.' I don't listen to the hate comments. In used to them. I got a lot of hate and I actually don't know why, but yeah I just got a lot of hate.

*Shawn's pov*
Kevin took me out of Vanessa's room and to his room. "What's up man?" I asked. "Well first of all you guys are a really cute couple. Second of all don't hurt her because your her first boyfriend and I don't want her to go through heartbreak. Okay?" I was terrified of what he would do to me if I hurt her. I mean I would never ever hurt her intentionally. "Okay" I said back to him. "Okay well your free to go." He smiled. I smiled back and went back to Vanessa's room.
Okay so here's the update. Also I'm not going to update for three days. Those days will be July 30th, July 31st and August 1st because I'm going downtown for something and i wont have Internet. Okay well bye lovelies.

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