Chapter 2

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Vanessa's pov
Next day at school

Today has been a good day so far. Right now I'm in 3rd period which is p.e and I hate it because we have to get dressed out in the p.e clothes and we also have p.e with the boys, so they see us one we get out of the locker room. it's really uncomfortable because they just eye you up and down then they whistle at you.

I have all my classes with Samantha and Christopher. Which is good because I don't have any other friends besides them, but it's good to have just 2 friends instead of more than 2. Right now the my teacher, coach Mason, told us to go inside the locker room and change, so that is what all the girls are doing.

Except for the "popular" girls, they think dressing out is nasty because of the clothes they give them but they just want all the boys eying them. The leader of the group is named Ashley and her 2 other friends are named Clarissa and Angelina. All three of them dress slutty, and it's not attractive at all.

They always wear shorts to where their butts hang from the bottom, and they wear crop tops that look like they are bras. Which they probably are but oh well. Most of the girls In my school don't like them because they always have to bully someone, so they are basically the most hated girls in our school.

P.E just ended and now we are going to lunch. I have b lunch so we had to wait until like 12:00 to eat lunch but at least we get to eat. Good thing they don't have seating charts because at first they did but now we get to sit wherever we want to sit. I went and sat with Samantha and Christopher in the far right corner table.

We talked about random things like butterflies, ladybugs, Ice cream and other weird stuff like that. Just saying we are probably the most weirdest people in our grade. Or maybe even in the whole school because everyone that I have met in my school seems pretty normal and normal is boring so that is why me and my friends are weird.

*7th period*
Science is one of the classes that I'm failing because the teacher doesn't give us an explanation of what we have to do for the paper that we would be working on. She told us to do this paper but I have no Idea what she said. This guy who was really cute came up to me and helped me with the paper we are doing.
Authors note: can you guys guess who the "cute guy" is? If you do figure it out I will give you a shout out at the end of the best chapter.

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