Hell In My Head

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There's something I need to get off my chest, rather my head

Its itching and scratching and soon it'll probably spread

If it does I'll go mad and someone will end up dead

Someone get it out, get it out the hell in my head

The pain it causes, those close to me they aren't safe

My friend they try to help but they're just stupidly brave

I don't think control. Its making me its slave

So I think I'll just sit and wait, hid away in my cave

My pain, my cross to bear

As if my family could find time to care

As cold empty eyes have become my state

Left alone in my cave. Just me and my fear

No help for me, I'm too far gone

I hope at my funeral they sing happy songs

I just wish it had gone better, not so damn wrong

But the hell in my head that's where I belong

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