Death of A Dynasty

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Here I stand, my world in twain

I weep and cry, not of sadness but disdain

Tear filled children, watch as their parents strain

A world made hell, left cursed and stained

It rains blood and the sun won't shine

Famine grips our life at the end of time

Those left alive, beg their god for quick demise

Heresy and blasphemy plague the land, a world stands on twine

Creatures turned on man, a perversion of God's first law

Man and beast at each other's neck as moral fabric is torn

God's laws gone, freedom man's fatal flaw

Bodies on blood drenched beach wash ashore

Brought upon ourselves this dark decay

With no hope of solution from this fray

Its peace has gone and chaos wilst stay

The death of a dynasty on this unholy day

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