chapter 4 - The Inner Circle

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     The four strangers, Amren, and Seren were sitting outside on a deck. The High Lord had explained that they were at what they called 'The House of Wind'. The name sounded a little pretentious to Seren but she forgot all about the name when she took in the view that surrounded them. They were high up in the mountains surrounding the city, and could see all the way down to the sea. She longed to free her wings and fly above the city, she hadn't been able to fly in so long. She turned back to the group when the High Lord said, "I'm Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court. But you can call my Rhys"

He gestured to the blonde woman, "This is Morrigan, my cousin by the loosest terms."

Morrigan smiled at them, "My friends call me Mor though."

"And these are my brothers, assuming that all bastard-borns are brothers," Rhys continued.

The Illyrian with red siphons chuckled and said, "I'm Cassian, General of the Night Court's army."

"And I'm Azriel, Spymaster of the Night Court," the Illyrian with blue siphons added.

Seren smiled guiltily, "Pleasure, I am truly sorry I had to knock you out."

This caused Cassian to let out a loud laugh, "I haven't seen anyone ever knock out Azriel. You've earned my respect."

Rhysand spoke up, "Yes, yes, the fact that you both were able to take us all on and unarm us is quite frankly dumbfounding but I have a couple questions for the both of you."

Amren inclined her head but stayed silent. Rhysand took this as a sign to continue, "Firstly, how did you escape the Prison."

Amren was the one to speak up, "You must understand that we are not from this world. The only reason we were locked up in the first place was because our power scared you precious Illyrians."

Amren shot both Illryians a dirty look before continuing, "Long story short, we managed to transfer ourselves into two High Fae who entered the Prison. This allowed us to leave. And no, I will not say more about that."

All of the fae nodded before Rhys asked, "So where did you come from?"

Seren was the one to answer this question, "We came from a universe very different from yours. We are centuries older than you four. To give you a time frame we arrived in Prythian before there were courts and the Old Language was still spoken. Our people banned us from our home and the both of us are stuck here with you fae."

Rhysand furrowed his brow for a moment, "There are seven Courts in Prythian; Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Dawn, Day, and Night. You are currently in the Night Court. Each Court is overseen and ruled by a High Lord. As you already know, I am High Lord of the Night Court. I would like to officially offer you both positions in my Inner Circle."

Seren looked at Amren, shrugged and said, "I mean, what else are we going to do? Maybe this won't be boring."

     Amren replied, "You know, I've never tried being a part of a court before."

     Seren nodded at Amren and turned to Rhys and the rest of the Inner Circle, watching them carefully, "We accept your offer to join your Inner Circle."

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