chapter 56 - I Feel Sorry For Your Wife

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     Rhys found Seren curled up on the couch reading a book. As he walked in, she looked up. "Azriel, Cassian, and I are going to one of the Illryian camps today if you want to join us," he said as a greeting.

     "What are you guys doing there?" she asked.

     "We have to meet with the commanders and see if their armies are ready for battle," he informed her, "I thought that I would show you around, you are my second-in-command after all. Oh, and maybe I can show you the house I grew up in."

     He tacked the last sentence on as if it was an afterthought. But by the way he wasn't meeting her eyes, Seren suspected that that might be the reason he actually wanted to bring her. She smiled, "Sure, I'd love to see where you grew up."

     The four of them landed in a dirt clearing. As Seren looked around she realized that this must be the Illyrian camp. She could see small houses a little distance away from where they stood but everything appeared to be built around training rings. It looked as if certain rings were designed for different types of fighting.

     Although Seren was wearing her fighting leathers, she still shivered from the cold. Rhys sent her a look before turning to Az and Cass, "Why don't you two go check in on the armies. I'll show Seren around and then come and find you guys."

     Before they could reply, he reached down and grabbed Seren's hand before turning on his heel and walking in the direction of the houses. Seren was forced to walk with him, seeing as he still hadn't released her hand. They quickly walked in silence until they reached a house that was slightly bigger than most of the other houses. He unlocked the door and led her into a small, but cozy living room.

     Snapping his fingers, a fire sprang up in the hearth. "Show off," Seren muttered under her breath.

     Rhys grinned at her but dragged her over to the fire. He finally let go of her hand and reached up to rub the back of his neck. "Well, um, this is the house I lived in when my mother wanted me to train with the Illyrians. It's small but it was home for a long time," he said almost self consciously.

     Looking around, Seren said, "I think it's lovely. It seems like a good place to grow up."

     He laughed, "Yep, there is still a stain on the couch from when my mom left for the weekend and we all broke into the liquor. Cassian laughed so hard that he bumped into Az and he spilled his drink everywhere. We thought we were being really sneaky when we flipped the cushion over. But the minute she got back, she looked straight toward the upturned cushion and glared at us. Somehow she knew."

     He suddenly looked sad and said, "She loved this house dearly."

     Reaching out, Seren put a hand on his upper arm and squeezed, "It sounds like you have some really good memories here."
Rhys stared down at her for a couple moments before shaking his head and clearing his throat, "Well I better go find Cassian and Azriel. Would you like to stay here? Or I could drop you near some shops if you would like."

     Like she was on fire, Seren snatched her hand back. She mentally slapped herself, She just had to go and make him uncomfortable. Why couldn't she just get it into her head that they were only friends. Nothing would ever come out of their platonic friendship.

     Nodding, she replied, "I think it would be nice to go see some shops. I'd like to get to know the Illyrians a bit better. Hopefully they have changed since the last time I came into contact with them."

     She found herself walking on a cobblestone street, looking at the different shops. Once Rhys had delivered her there, he practically sprinted away from her. She came to notice that all of the shops only sold male clothing. Except for the one shop at the end. As she pushed the door open, a bell rang out. A female who looked around Seren's age looked up from behind the counter. She was beautiful, with long brown hair. Seren waved at her and smiled. The female looked shocked for a moment before saying, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

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