Chapter 3

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Your POV

I was actually having a lot of fun. Mahogany Lox was a pretty cool DJ but I think if she sang then it would have been better. I've heard her sing on her YouTube channel and she is really good.

Jasmine V had a really nice voice but i didn't think her songs were that catchy. And Jacob was cute, though I don't really like his voice.

There was about a 15 minute break before Fifth Harmony came out. Once they came out everyone started moving forward trying to get as close as they possible could. I was having a really good time. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around.

"Your hair smells really good." a girl who looked about 14 said to me. I smiled and tried not to laugh as I said 'thanks'.

The girls sang a lot of their songs from their album and a few of their older songs while we danced and sang along. I knew most of the words to their songs because Justice listens to them so much.

Lauren kept on looking over to me and smiling as she was singing and I couldn't help but blush.

Eventually the concert ended and I had taken a lot of photos and videos of Justice and the girls as they were performing.

"Hey. Let's go back to the meet and greet place to meet with the girls again." Justice said poking my arm to catch my attention.

"Are you sure Lauren actually meant it? I mean, for all we know, she could have said that to everybody." I asked her

"Let's just go Y/N. She only said that to us because she likes you. Plus Camila and I really hit it off so even if you don't wanna go, do it for me." She smiled at me

"Fine" I mumbled. She was practically dragging me there already anyways.

It took us five minutes to get out of the crowd. When we got there, the girls weren't there.

"There not even here. Let's just go J."

"No! They just finished so it's going to take some time for them to get here." She said sitting down on a nearby bench.

"Why am I friends with you?" I whispered to myself

"Because you love me." She smiled as she took out her phone. I sat down beside her and started looking through my phone.


"Y/N. Y/N wake up." I heard as I felt someone shake me. I groaned.

"Leave me alone." I mumbled and tried to get more comfortable but ended up falling to the floor.

"What the hell?" I said tiredly. I heard people chuckling and I looked up. My eyes widened at what I saw

"You're so stupid Y/N." Justice said. I don't even know when I fell asleep on the bench, and Fifth Harmony was standing in front of me.

"How long have you guys been here?" I asked tiredly

"About a half hour." Lauren stated. I groaned again and Justice was smirking at me.

"Why didn't you wake me up??" I said to Justice

"They didn't want me to." she said as she gestured to the girls.

"I figured you were tired from the show so I wanted to let you sleep." Lauren stayed mater of factly.

"She's grumpy when she first wakes up." I heard Justice whisper to the girls.

"What time is it?" I asked

"Time to get your butt up. We're gonna go to their bus and hang out for a while because they have a day off tomorrow." Justice said

"Okayyy but what about our parents? Did you tell them?"

"I told your mom and she said it was fine with her and my parents don't care where I am." She shrugged

"Okay then," I said with a smile, "let's go!"

Short chapter I'm sorry. I feel like I'm getting worse at writing. Follow me on Twitter! @Laurencabello18 just say you are from wattpad and I'll follow you back :) Is anyone going to the summer tour?? I really want to bc Bea Miller, Natalie La Rose, AND Debby Ryan are going to be in it too!!!😍 but idk if my parents will let me because I've already been to one. Freaking one concert isn't enough. Anyways thanks for reading! Comment and vote💕

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