Chapter 4

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Your POV
"HEY WHAT THE HELL THATS NOT FAIR" We had been hanging out with the girls for quite some time now and were playing call of duty. (I'm sorry my brother was playing it and it's all I could think of lmao ok sorry back to the story) Lauren was dominating and I was convinced she was cheating.

"Sorry babe. Just admit that I'm better than you." She smirked. Babe. Omg.

"I'm not admitting anything to you Jauregui." I said right before she killed me again. I was about to complain again when the other girls came to the front of the bus.

"Hey guys do you want to watch a movie?" Ally asked us.

"Yes! Lauren is cheating and it's no fun anymore." I pouted and she shut off the game with a chuckle.

"What movie do you guys wanna watch?" Lauren asked the girls.

"FROZEN!" Camila screamed suddenly scaring all of us.

"Jesus mila chill!" Dinah yelled at her.

"Ugh can we not watch frozen once? What else?" Mani said.

"Fine. How about Nemo?" Camila suggested. We all just shrugged and Mani put the disc in. There were two couches on either side and somebody set up a smaller one in the middle so I sat next to Lauren. Justice, Camila, and Ally sat across from us on the other couch and Dinah and Normani sat on the middle couch.

We got into about 5 minutes of the movie before I got really cold. I didn't want to disturb anyone so I just kept quiet and tried to continue to watch.

About 5 minutes later Lauren noticed I was cold.

"Are you okay? You're shivering?" She asked me quietly. I nodded.

"Yeah. Just a little cold that's all." I responded. She chucked and opened her arms up for me. My eyes widened a little and a blush crept up to my cheeks. I hesitantly climbed into her arms and was suddenly engulfed into her body. I did feel a lot warmer. It felt so good to be snuggled so close to Lauren.

Sometime into the movie, Justice saw us and smirked. I just rolled my eyes because I saw that she was cuddling with Camila. Next thing I know everything went black.


I stirred awake and realized that the movie had just finished. I looked up so see Lauren looking at me with an adoring smile on her face. I was still snuggled into her.

"You sleep a lot" she said smiling. I blushed and ducked my head.

"Tell that to this one." I said jutting a thumb at Justice. "She's the one who woke me up at like 4 in the morning to get ready. "

I sat up as everyone started to get up. I looked at my phone to see that it was already 10:30.

"Hey I think we should get going." I said to Justice. "It's already 10:30. Don't you guys have other shows you have to get to?" I asked the girls.

"We have a day off tomorrow then we're going to Vegas" Dinah responded.

"Are you guys staying in LA tomorrow?"

"I think we will." Lauren said suggestively. "Here let me give you my number. She said taking my phone. "I'll give you the other girls' numbers later."

"Thanks Lauren. Maybe we can hang again soon?" I said

"I'd like that." She said with an adorable smile.

Justice pulled me out of our moment and we told the other girls bye and we left.

I looked back just in time to see Lauren wave at me through the window. I blushed and waved back.

"She got you so bad" Justice said as we stared walking towards the parking lot to our car.

"Oh shut up. What about you and Camila? I saw you guys getting pretty close during the movie." I winked at her.

She nodded smiling. "I don't know, she was just being
friendly I think."

"Right. Friendly." She laughed and shoved me.

We drove home talking about the girls and singing along to songs on the radio.

"Do you wanna stay over tonight? Mom won't mind" I asked as I pulled up to my house.

"Yea hoe, we still have a lot to talk about. I still can't believe today actually happened." She said stepping out of the car.

I followed her out and into the house.

"Mom we're home!" I yelled. She came out of the kitchen and hugged us both.

"Oh how was it?? You two were gone awhile I'm assuming it went well?"

"It was so great!! One of the girls started tweeting us right before and then when we met them, they asked us to meet them after the show to hang out with them!" Justice gushed.

"Wow how lucky are you two, huh?" Mom said with a smile. "Will you be staying for dinner tonight Justice?"

"Yea she's staying the night tonight." I but in. We put our stuff in my room and went down to the table for dinner.

"So when's dad coming home?" I asked

"Well I spoke with him recently. He said its up to his commanding officer. You know how busy he is. But he said he should be home within a couple of months!"

"That's great! I miss him a lot." I said

"I haven't seen Mr. L/N in forever! Remember when we used to play those games in the pool and he would throw us up in the air?" Justice said reminiscing.

"I was always scared when he did that. But you two always had fun with him." Mom said smiling.

Dinner finished quickly and soon we were up in my room talking about what happened tonight.

"-and when Camila was talking to me, she was like actually genuinely interested in what I was saying! I mean I knew she was perfect but I didn't know she could be that perfect!" Justice said. "But enough about me. How was hanging out with Lauren?? What did you think?" I blushed a little.

"It was really fun. She really is super nice and beautiful and just amazing. How did I not know this before!"

"Well you would never really believe me when I told you but I'm glad you finally know."

"Yea," I said smiling "she really is." And with that, I fell asleep thinking about a certain green eyed girl.

Holy shit that was terrible. I'm terrible I'm so sorry it's been forever. But HELLO ITS ME. I'm sorry I had to. I'm also really sorry about not updating. I don't want to make any excuses other than I really just didn't know what to write. But I haven't been in a really good place and I'm just trying to get past this. Again I'm very sorry. Relationship stuff going on and trying to figure out why I'm feeling like shit all the time. Okay now I'm just complaining. Well thanks for reading. I love you all so so much. 💕

Never Would've Thought Lauren/YouDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora