Chapter 5

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Your POV

Y/N 12 am: Hey Lauren its Y/N :) Sorry for texting so late, but this is my number

Green eyes😍 12:02 am: Hey Y/N! We had a lot of fun with you guys today! I especially liked when I beat you in COD ;)

Y/N 12:02 am: I so let you win. But next time I won't go so easy on you

Green eyes😍 12:03: oh yeah? I guess I'll have to step up my game.

Y/N 12:03: You better watch your back Jauregui.

Green eyes😍12:04: Oh I'll be sure to.

I shook my head, amused as I read the last text.

Green eyes😍12:04: We're still in town tomorrow, would you guys want to hang out again?

Y/N 12:12: Sorry I was getting ready for bed. And yes of course! We would love to hang out again. Where should we meet?

Green eyes😍 12:13: Let's meet at The Grove and we can all just walk around and go to lunch and stuff

Y/N 12:13: Great! We'll meet you there tomorrow :) We had a pretty crazy day today and lots of excitement so I'm pretty exhausted. Good night Lauren, see you tomorrow :)

Green eyes😍 12:14: You didn't sleep enough during the day? Lol jk. Good night Y/N sleep tight. See you tomorrow ;)


"Y/N!" I heard someone yell.

"Lauren!" I said with a big smile on my face.

She came up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist as I hugged her back.

I hugged the other girls as well.

"How's it going?" Lauren asked.

"Pretty great. I get to hang out with this awesome group of gals, I'm not sure if you know them." I said with a smile as we all started walking down the sidewalk together.

"Oh yeah? They must be pretty lame if they spend their time hanging out with you guys." Lauren said smirking. I laughed and pushed her playfully.

"Y/N hasn't been able to stop talking about yesterday since we got home." Justice said.

"Well can you blame me?" I responded

"We're just ordinary girls Y/N. We aren't really anything special." Camila said. Just then a group of people with cameras started towards us.

"Tell that to them." I said.

Big rob tried blocking them but they were relentless and were trying everything to get pictures. One ran into me and I got knocked into someone on my right who caught me.

"Be careful. These guys can get a little aggressive." Lauren said as she helped me up.

I smiled thankfully at her.

We went into a local restaurant that happened to be a pizza parlor and decided to have lunch here while trying to hide from paparazzi.

"Well that was a rush." Justice said.

"Yeah. They're all just trying to get a story. You don't have to worry about them." Normani said.

We ordered our lunch and just talked about everything while we waited for it to come.

"So how long is your tour going on for?" I asked the girls.

"We still have a month of touring before we're off. And then we're right back in the studio." Dinah said.

"Does it ever get tiring?" Justice asks

"Of course, but we always have each other and our fans to remind us why we do this." Camila said while giving the other girls meaningful looks

"And we've only just started our careers really. We still have so much to look forward to. " Normani added.

"What's your favorite part about touring?" I asked.

We paused when the pizza came and then continued our conversation.

"My favorite part is definitely meeting the fans. You guys are so great to us and so supportive. We would not be anywhere if it weren't for you guys." Ally replied.

Justice pointed her thumb at me after taking a bite of her pizza. "She's not a fan."

My eyes widened in embarrassment. "I am! Just not as much as you I guess."

"Maybe we could change your mind." Lauren said with a small smirk.

I choked.

"Uh, y-yeah. Maybe." I took a bite of my pizza to hide my embarrassment.

The rest of lunch passed by too quickly. The group noticed my uncomfortableness and changed the subject. Soon we were finishing up and getting ready to leave.

"So, what now?" Justice asked as we stepped out onto the sidewalk.

"Well we have the rest of the day before we hit the road again tomorrow." Dinah said (refer to A/N)

"We have nothing else to do for the rest of the day until 6. Are you guys free to hang until then? If not that's fine, we can stay in touch until we get back." Lauren said

"Were definitely free." I smirked

A/N: ALRIGHTY!!!!!! Hey it's been like 98 years but I'm here :) short update I'm sorry. I had this draft for like 5 months and I could never think of anything but ta da. Anyways with the referral to the A/N I wasn't sure if I mentioned when their next show was so I just said it was the next day. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Anyways, in regardance to my mind (is that a word?) I have been getting better and then falling back down so Its kind of exhausting. But whatever I don't think anyone even reads these lmao. Well I'm sorry for not updating (yeah yeah she's always sorry when is she going to update frequently?) first of all, I have no idea. Second, is that weird I keep doing that? Well anyways, have a good day/night. Love u all💕

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