II - Dear Light..

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When there's a light, there is always a shadow
A cattle hiding in the depth of a meadow
As there is day, there's always night
So when there is a shadow, there's always a light
The longevity of a human accompanied by death
The brevity of words and lies by the breath
So when darkness ensues, the light fights back
Good versus evil at war, bodies in a stack

When sorrow takes hold, you know what joy means
For without goodness and grief, life loses its lean
But for I am the darkness, the absence of light
Trapped behind the sun, a dimmed planet, unbright
You will always shine, as the darkness I linger
Hoping one day, I will reach you with my finger



This poem is directed to "Light" from "Darkness", as if light and darkness have been personified.

Darkness addresses their own self-importance and claims that they should hold as much of importance as Light does, for with the existence of light, darkness follows. As there is day, there should be the opposite, which is night to neutralise and hold balance to the world, exactly how when there is life, there is death, when there is truth, there are lies and deception.

When Light fights for a right it doesn't have, which is the possession of everything that Darkness has, that's when Darkness strikes back, until there are severe consequences, for they are creating a war of chaos and causing imbalance to the world.

Simply because if you hadn't had the chance to be sad, always happy, always joyful, that happiness and joy tend to lose their meaning. So when there is a polar opposite, which is sadness, that serves as a reminder to appreciate joy and happiness when they are present, and work on achieving them when they are not.

Sadly, Darkness doesn't have the love joy does, always tainted with a bad reputation, always unspoken of as if it was a dim planet in bright system of planets.

There is a feeling of revenge that washes over Darkness in the end, hoping to reach light and dim it.

𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕃𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now