Weaving Rainbows

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She has no idea how much time passes.

How long she sits in T's lap as she cradles his head to her shoulder.

This wasn't what she'd expected when she told T she needed to talk to him and Faustina, but fuck if she wasn't grateful for the time with him.

Relieved to know what had T so on edge lately.

Happy to know he was still willing to talk to her.

She needed this.

He needed this.

The reminder.

The rest could wait. They were doing so much, had so much to do, but she could have this.

But a hesitant tap on her shoulder pulls her from her thoughts.

"He fell asleep."


Her arms tighten around Faustina.

T wasn't the only one affected by her carelessness.

"I'm sorry about the meeting."

"It's okay, Captain," Faustina offers softly as she returns the hug.

She sighs.

"Is it?"

The last thing she wanted was for them to comfort her now, but later begrudge her for this.

"I- I don't know how the two of you want to handle it, but-" She sighs, "I'd rather not spook or set Beam on edge if we can avoid it. But at the same time, I know I messed up. So, however you want to handle this, I'll do my best to follow it."

The other girl is silent for a moment, "Do you mind if I get back to you on that? Or is it imperative to know now? I'd really like to talk it over with T before speaking, in fear it will be out of turn."

"Get back to me," She nods, "I'll do my best to keep Beam off you. Both of you."

It wasn't her story to tell.

"Thank you, Captain. For the time, and-" She hugs her tighter, "For helping T."

She smiles, "It goes for both of you, you know. I'm a greedy pirate."

Faustina pulls back to smile at her, "That's very kind of you."

She can't help her snort.

She didn't feel kind right now.

She felt on edge, and desperate.

"Feel like coming back to the cabin with me? I could really use your help."

"Of course, Captain." She nods, "I'm not sure how much help I can provide, but I'll do my best."

"You're the one who mentioned secret codes." She rolls her eyes as she stands and pulls Faustina up, "So yeah, I imagine very helpful."

Faustina tilts her head to the side, "What makes you so certain it was me?"

She chuckles, "Because when Deez was trying to explain seeing someone else behind T's eyes, she mentioned the time you spent making the spy language together."

"Oh." Faustina blushes.

"I mean it when I say I love how different you two are. It's getting easier to know who is suggesting what."

Not always, but sometimes.

Harry was certainly better at it than she was.

And Deez always seemed to know.

The Mask: Burdens and ReputationsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora