Thundering Silence

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So, shit's been fucking crazy lately, and it doesn't seem like it will be getting better any time soon. We got to chapter 106 which is about ⅗ of the story written but we had to loop back around to chapter 40.

... Okay so that part isn't fucking crazy or shocking. Any one that's been following/ reading these notes knows that we're a fucking mess when it comes to that kinda shit.

No, what's fucking crazy is our schedules. It's been an absolute misery trying to get together and Dark is going on vacation for a week next week or whatever, which yay! She never gets to go anywhere, but still, it means editing is going to be prolonged even further which sucks.

Plus, I've been sick with a head cold and horrible acid reflux that is keeping me up all night and the pharmacy is out of my meds to the middle of the month which-

*lewd gesture* they can go fuck themselves.

I'm constantly dragging ass right now and it sucks donkey dick...

Okay, enough about us


He bites his lip as he heaves himself onto the deck.


That had to have eaten a few hours at least.

He hoped.

He needed something, anything, to keep from thinking about where T and Yensid were.

They had to be okay. They were.

Maybe they'd been separated from their books.

They weren't dead.

They weren't-


He shakes his head.

He turns to the cabin, frowning when a fat raindrop smacks his face before he looks up to find dark clouds gathering under the barrier again.

So much for those clear skies.

He runs a hand over his face as the sky opens up.

He was going to miss that.

Miss walking instead of swimming like a gods damn fish.

He waves to Sam through the gray mist as he makes his way to the cabin, smiling at how at home the kid looked behind the helm now.

Good. At least people were settling into their new roles.

That or Sam was just grateful to be relieved of babysitting duty.

He pauses when he opens the door to Uma's voice.


She was awake!

Thank the Sea Gods!

"An' Harry's been teaching people how to swim." Gil breathes out as he turns to him.

"Aye," He smiles as he gathers Uma to him and nuzzles her, the lavender that clung to her putting him at ease.

He holds her tight and spins with her in his arms, "it be ah useful distraction."

"Good ta see you too, Pretty Boy." Uma laughs tightly as he sets her back on her feet, "and thank you, both of you, for keepin' the ship together while I was down."

"Gil be doing the majority o' the ship work an' bossin'," he winks.

"James an' Beam, he means." Gil rubs his neck.

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