Pictures are Worth a Thousand Words

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It was still weird.

Being one on one with an adult.

Especially with an adult as smart as Yensid.

It was one thing when one of his family was with him, but when it was just them?

He got flustered.

He knew he wasn't an idiot.

It had taken his family and Carlos years to get him to see that, but he could.

He wasn't a genius like Carlos and Deez, but he wasn't the idiot his father and brothers claimed he was either.

That didn't make it any easier though.

If anything it just made him feel even more self conscious.

And the fact that Yensid could tell just made it that much more uncomfortable.

"You've become quite the artist." Yensid nods encouragingly as he returns the charm he'd been working on. "Does young Dizzy know of your skill?"

His brow furrows as he shakes his head.

Yensid chuckles, "did you know she makes jewelry herself?"

"She does?"

"Indeed," Yensid carefully perches on the side of the table, "she and Evie use to make matching outfits. Though I'm not sure if Dizzy has been very creative since Evie's departure."

His chest aches the minute the words are in the air.

He had his family to help with the loss of Carlos-

Had Dizzy had anyone to help her deal with losing Evie?

He turns towards the ship with a frown.

He couldn't count the number of times he'd been too upset to start a project.

Was that where Dizzy was?

His eyes narrow.

Not okay.

He turns back to Yensid, "I'll talk ta 'er when we get back." He grins.

"I figured you'd want to." Yensid nods as he continues to watch him with his stormy eyes, "I noticed there is a significant amount of magic around Faustina's ankle."

His brow furrows.

Significant sounded like a lot.

"Is that bad?" He can't help his concern.

Yensid shakes his head, "Not at all. Impressive. You and Deez work very well together to weave your intentions. Which for now is the best description I have for what it is you do."

His brow furrows.


Was Yensid confused about something?

Something that involved him?

"Oh," he rubs the back of his head, "um, thanks?"

"You're welcome." Yensid smiles, "I very much enjoy watching you work, I was never so good with my hands when it came to creative pursuits. But I have always been in love with the arts."

Heat brushes his cheeks as he chuckles, "T jus' thought if I had somethin' ta do with my hands I'd get in less trouble, an' I ended up likin' it."

"Well you certainly took a means of avoiding trouble and turned it into your own passion." Yensid turns to look around the room where many of his tools and supplies were waiting to be stored.

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