It's Not That Hard! Right?

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Oz's pov
   I wake up to the sound of my Phobia's screaming because of my nightmare. God! I wish they would stop! I haven't gotten any good sleep in a few years and I've had bad luck with how long I stay asleep. The usual is 5-15 minutes and I really wish I could get at least an hour. That's all I ask!

Well, when I grab my phone and checked the time it turned out to be barely 1:23 A.M. I really have nothing to do so I get up and just do my chores and whatever else I need to do. I call my friend, Vicky to see if she wants to come over and hang out and she said she will.

I wait until I hear knocking on my window, I then open it to see my friend surprisingly dressed for school already. " Whatcha' need Ozzy?" "Had a nightmare, couldn't go back to sleep." "Really? Again? Oh well, hey do you have a date for prom?" "N-No. Why do you ask?" "I ask, my dear friend, because I know you like a certain someone~." "H-H-How do you know!!!" "Oh my friend, I have my secrets~." "WHY MEEEE!!!!" "Calm down Oz! You'll wake the neighbors!" "R-Right, right." "I don't know who you like, alright? I only know that you like someone so don't over exaggerate, alright bud?" "A-Alright." "Im'ma head out, K? Got to get my stuff ready for school, See ya' later Ozzy!" "Right, see ya' V."
2:56 A.M
Ugh! I don't want to go today but what choice do I have? I may be a straight A student but I honestly force myself to go to school. Why? Because I just don't like it. The only reason I actually go is because of my crush. No I won't tell you, I have my reasons. But let's say he is quite a hot head.

Time skip brought to you by the author. To breakfast time we go!!!

Today we have toast and scrambled brains, but I can't eat because, well, I don't have a mouth. So, I'm saved from this nightmare-on-a-plate. After talking with my friends for a bit I say I'm going to head to the library and I'll see them in class. All I had to do was walk up to him and tell him if he wanted to go with me to prom! Or I could try to earn his affection, but that would be weird! Once I started to walk to the library, I definitely regretted my life choices.

Word count: 441 words

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