i suck at titling things but this ones about relationship stuff

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im not boyfriend material, huh? someone who's good to fool around with but not good for much outside of that. not someone to trust. not someone to commit to. not sane enough for that.

no wonder you won't commit, won't tell people we're anything other than friends. no wonder you don't want to be mine. no wonder you're ashamed of me. who would want to be tied up with someone like this?

i bet you're glad to be away, to not have to see this face for months. i bet it's a relief.

i bet as soon as you find someone else to sleep with you'll leave. because then what other reason would you have left to associate with me. not like im providing you anything else. not like im making you feel good or happy beyond that. dealing with me is a waste of your time.

i wait every day for you to tell me to piss off.
it's only a matter of time.

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