a stupid thing

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what if.. you're with a friend. and you're hanging out, watching tv and they put their arm around you. and like, that's fine. but then they get close.. and they get snuggly.. and their hand brushes your stomach, where your shirt had ridden up... and it seems like they're trying to hold your hand... and you don't want any of it. you don't want to be there. you don't want them to be there. you want to leave. but you don't tell them no. you don't tell them you're uncomfortable. and when you go to walk them out of the building, they tell you they have feelings for you.. feelings that aren't reciprocated. you turn them down but... their behavior starts to make sense to you. but... is it bad? is it bad that they were physical with you like that? after all... that's all innocent stuff, and you could've told them no... you just didn't... and it's not like they did anything else, anything bad... so why do you feel so bad? so uncomfortable? why do you feel like you don't want to be alone with them again? why do you feel awkward talking to them? they're your friend, right? and they didn't do anything wrong. so why do you feel like you're about to panic? why is your breath quickening? what do you do? you feel so stupid for feeling this way, you don't feel like you can tell anyone. because it's really not that bad, right?

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