being sheltered and feeling like i cant do things

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I feel like long titles just work because it gets the point across lol. So you know what you're getting yourself into XD

But yeah,, I was raised up highly sheltered, I didn't know the word gay until I was around 13 if that tells you anything lol, I also didn't know any curses until I was around that same age. But not only was I sheltered when it came to that kind of stuff but also I was just. Never taught anything. Other than, y'know, "god is good" and all that. Which didn't turn out well for them considering that now I'm not religious lmao. But anyway, I wasn't really taught anything when it comes to like, basic survival lol. Like I had no idea that there was a difference in credit and debit cards until a week or two ago.

My parents basically treated me completely like a child (despite me being almost 20??) and didn't teach me anything about functioning in society as an adult. And of course, I know exactly why. They wanted (and still want) me to depend on them and not be able to support myself without them. But they just didn't trust me to function on my own at all. It was to the point that my mother messaged me every single night to remind me to set my alarm to wake up the next morning, that's how little they trusted me to take care of myself.

But at the same time, they kind of have a double standard about it now. Since I've come out and broken off from them and all, they still think of me as a child and yet they tell me "you're an adult so start acting like one." They're just very confusing. They tell me to act like an adult but they still expect me to follow all their rules and listen to everything they want me to do despite them not giving me any kind of support right now (other than paying for my phone, which they've tampered with to block people's calls, so it doesn't really mean much).

But anyway, the reason I'm ranting right now, is that when people feel the need to constantly remind me to do things it reminds me of my mother and it really bothers me. Because it's a sign to me that that person doesn't trust me to take care of myself without them. And I already have a lot of self confidence issues, I already feel like I can't do things and my depression doesn't make it any better because that often does stop me from doing things, but having people feel they have to remind me to do things just feels like a lack of faith in me and it makes me doubt myself even more.

This wasn't exactly important or anything I just needed to rant about it and let off some steam lol

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