I'll Give You Reasons

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Bela's POV

I looked at him, we are now standing of the opposite sides on the back of his cab.

"Are you fine?" He asked me, he flashed a smile, the most genuine I've seen my whole life, I smiled back. I remember, I tried reaching for my note and my pen inside the pocket of my dress and wrote the most genuine words I can to answer his questions.

"No, I am not". I looked at the ground after that. But before so, I saw the shocked in his eyes, why does it have to be that expressive?

"I am sory, I don't know that... Uhmn... That..." He's stuttering trying to finished his sentence but seems hard for him. There's this sudden warmth I felt inside my heart. It's the first time I felt that and fortunately from a stranger. It's the first time I realized someone cares for how I feel. I started jotting on my notebook

"That I am mute?" I wrote and showed it to him. He just touched his hair, I found it cute. He seems shy. I smiled. Something i haven't done for a long time.

"It's okay, I am mute really. I can't talk so please bear with my hand writing". I continued
He smiled shyly

"Why do you have to do that?" He said. I was dumbfounded, I don't know how to respond. All the sadness, the rage, the negativities I just felt a while ago came back rushing to me one by one. I found myself crying, again he wrapped me in his arms and there continued crying on to my heart's content.

Jeremy's POV

Her silent cries seem to break my heart into pieces. I can't understand myself. All I want to do is to comfort this girl. And I feel like I can do it the whole night. Shhhh... It's okay, it'll be okay. I told her.
Just a while ago, even that word doesn't exist in my vocabulary anymore. Surprisingly, I can say that word freely just to give comfort to her.

"You know what? Life is so beautiful". I continued while she cries silently in my arms, ironically after hearing my situation I can never see the beauty of life anymore, but why with this girl, I can say how beautiful life is just to comfort her.

"You maybe experiencing the saddest moment of your life now that it became one reason for you to end it, but I will give you 30 reasons for you to live". I said. Huh! Who am I kidding? What am I saying? It seems like my tongue and mouth is cooperating with my brain and my body has no control over it anymore.

She stopped crying, pulled away from me and jotted something down in her note.

"Thank you, but life seems so cruel to me. I just thought maybe, my life here in this world is a mistake, maybe I should've never been born in the first place". Those are the exact words I've read from her note.

"Don't say that, I will tell you once again, you may have one own reason to give up on life, but I will give you 30 reasons to continue". I smiled.

She looked at me with confusion, her eyes wondering what I am saying. Even I, I don't know where those words came from. But I guess there's no turning back. At least I should have said 10 why 30? Aissh!!! Stupid! I am so stupid!

"Listen, let's meet here in this exact place, at the same time we've met today everyday for 30 days, I will give you 1 reason in a day for you to continue living, okay?"

"Okay." I read from her note then she smiled.

We bade our goodbyes for that same exact night and promised each other to meet again tomorrow. We've agreed that for 30 days I will show her the reasons why she should live. As drove my car, I can't help but laughed at my own stupidity. The heaven seems to play joke around me. Just a while ago I was about to end my life. But it ended that this night I saved a life, and made a promise to give her reasons why she should continue living. Again who am I kidding! Aiissshhhh!!! Well I tried to recall her face, those lovely pair of eyes but full of sadness, a warm feeling invaded my whole being, I smiled. At least before I die the heaven gave me one reason to live for 30 and a day and that is to give her 30 reasons to continue her life. I felt happy at the thought. Now, now I should think of those reasons. I promised after 30 days will never want to end your life again... Wait, what's her name? Aiiisshhh! Stupid! I am so stupid! Tomorrow, I will also know your name.

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