21 More Reasons To Keep Fighting

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Jeremy's POV

The meet up with Bela continued, 10 days passed by so quickly so as the 10 reasons I was able to give her. Everytime we go on adventure together, at least I consider everyday an adventure with her, I became more sure that I was able to convert every message and every reason I present to her in each passing day, what bothers me is that at the end of the day, Bela always seem to have a sudden change of emotion and before we depart, she always shed tears and I as usual always ready to be her crying shoulder.

I've been meaning to ask her but I just can't find the courage. I don't want her to get more frustrated if I open up the topic for her so I tried and became more patient and understanding. With the 10 days that I met with her, my fondness and urge to protect Bela became also stronger.

My Doctor told me, I am doing a great job because surprisingly I'm never rushed to the hospital again. I myself too is wondering why? How did it happen? I can't say that I am literally strong now but I felt like I have the strength to face each new day despite my current situation and tough reality that I only have 20 and a day left to live.

Maybe because of the promised I gave to Bela I was able to endure each pain, even how excruciating it may seem. In the night whenever I departed with her the sudden jolt of headaches like it's killing me slowly happens, I can't even hardly breath, my brother, my family and even all the maids we have are the witnesses of those torturing nights in my life. My parents always wants to rush me to the hospital as well as my brother but I asked them not to. This was my last wish to them I don't want to spend the remaining beautiful days of my life inside the 4 corners of that white jail. Despite my family's disagreement in the end I was able to convinced them.

I would rather spend my 21 days giving Bela 20 more reasons for her to continue her life. She deserves a beautiful one, she deserves happiness, care, and love from those people who are willing to give her that. Up to now I am not yet able to know the truth about Bela. It's not that I don't care at all, but if forcing her to talk about things that will give her more pain and aches in the end of the day, I'd rather not know anything at all. As for now I am already contented with the smiles she gave me whenever I present her a reason, and the trust she shares with me whenever I am around her. I promised with the remaining 21 days of my life to make her see the goodness the one up above has in store for her.

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