One Reason To Live

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Bela's POV

The air between us suddenly became silent as if angels just passed us by. I saw him from my peripheral vision and he's seriously focused on the road. I had the opportunity to examine his face. Those pair of heaven eyes when they are serious I noticed they become darker but still beautiful. His hair is a mixture of a mess and neatness, well it's messy but still neat on him, his white complexion compliments the redness of his lips and strong jaw, his nose are prominent. I should be honest, this guy beside me, this guy who'se name is Jeremy is a total package just like Martha always say when she meets every crushes she came to met. Anyway, Martha is my childhood friend, or maybe that's what I thought, for according to her, I am a freaking mute who she doesn't want to have anything to do with. I felt a sudden jolt of sadness in my heart, so I brushed the memory before it invades my whole being once again. I just don't want to wory this guy beside me.

I just stopped thinking when I realized that the vehicle already had its halt.

"We're here". I heard Jeremy exclaiming as he fastly went out of his car and turned around to open the door for me. He is such a gentleman as well.

I roam my sight all around and I saw a hospital.

"What are we doing in this hospital?" I asked through my writing.

"Well, you'll find out, come." He reached for my hand and lead me to a nursery. I heard the sweetest cries of new born babies.

"What can you see?" He asked me, there's this twinkle in his blue pair of eyes.

"Babies? Infants? New Borns?" I wrote. Still I can't get what he's trying to convey to me at this moment.

"Aren't they all lovely?" He said with a smile in his face. I agreed, I smiled too. Babies are always lovely in sight. Even their cries are so sweet. I shed a tear. I felt overwhelmed with mixed emotions while looking at those innocent new Borns and hearing their sweet cries.

"This new Borns were delivered by their mothers, someday when you'll have your own family, you will become a mother too. You will deliver your own baby, you will carry it for 9 months inside your womb and you'll feel the pain when delivering your own baby and after he'll be born it'll be all worth it for you." He sad that with a smiling face and twinkling eyes. As if he's imagining about something. I wonder what's playing in his mind at this moment. Then he looked at me.

"If you end your life now, who will deliver the baby you are supposed to deliver?, Will you be selfish enough to hinder a new life to experience the beauty of this world?" His tone became serious. I was again striked by his words. I never realized that thing. But why him? How did it happen?

I felt his touch when he held my hand and looked at me in my eyes. His eyes suddenly became cold and I may not be too sure but I seem to saw pain and sadness in those beautiful ovals. Then suddenly there's this twinkle again.

"Bela, listen to me, you have to continue living, for you to be able to let someone live in this world again. Your soon to be baby is depending his life on your life". He playfully told me, with those playful smile on his lips.

What's this guy all about? How could he be sad and in pain then be happy and playful the next minute?

That day I realized what he told me. Strangely I felt the happiness and excitement thinking that I will raise my own baby when the time comes.

Jeremy's POV
I felt the victory when I became sure that I was able to convey the message to Bella for this day. I just want her to realized what she'll be missing with life if she'll end it. We were walking down The hospital corridor and she has that shy smile, I can't help but to smile as well. We were about to reach the exit the door when we passed by the pedia lounge, there are so many families in there, parents waiting for their children's turn, I can't help but noticed the sudden change of mood from Bela's face. The smile I saw a while ago banished, now she's looking at the ground and seems about to shed a tear. She walked faster and lead herself to the cab.

She became so silent all throughout the drive. I can't find any words to tell her. I am afraid that if I ask her what's wrong she might feel frustrated even more. What should I do? Why am I so much bothered by the emotion of this girl sitting next beside me? When we reached the place where we agreed to depart with Everytime we meet I stopped the vehicle rushed to open the door for her and grabbed her in my arms. I felt a mixture of warm tender liquid on the sleeves of my shirt as I caress her hair and she silently cried on my shoulder.
"ShhhHhh, everything will be alright Bela. I promised you, I won't live you until I finished the 30 reasons we've agreed upon. There are 28 more reasons for you to see me." I said genuinely, then I started crying silently with her, I tried to hold back my tears because I don't want to burden her more. I will be more strong for you Bela, I won't leave you until I am able to give all the 30 reasons I promised to give you.

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