Chapter Twenty-Six - Jason

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Jason - May 2003

'Now that, was knackering. Who knew putting up tents would be so tiring? It's usually much easier for me to do that.' Ryan bit his tongue between his lips as he dropped to the ground next to Jason, a bottle of beer in hand and one extended out to Jason.
​Jason looked to the beer, then up to Ryan, before tentatively placing his hand around it.
​'Take it, I've not spiked it or anything.'
​Jason shrugged it off and took a deep swig feeling the bitter, fizzy liquid foaming in his mouth before gulping it down. He let out a sigh as he slumped back against a nearby tree.
​'Why are you not over there with the other guys?' Ryan asked, propping his arms on his knees.
​Jason tilted his bottle. 'Just not feeling it tonight.'
​'You're missing Annabelle, right?'
​'Of course.'
​Ryan scoffed.
He laughed and rolled his eyes. 'I guess I always think about that kiss, you know?'
Ryan didn't look to Jason, but instead took a drink from his beer.
'I don't think about it much,' Jason lied.
As much as Jason would try to tell himself that he didn't think about it, the truth was that he did – he had just gotten better at distracting himself with something else. Anything else.
​'Well, have you even said the L word to each other yet?' Ryan's mocking tone laced its way around every word.
​Jason paused, stumped by Ryan's question. Why was he suddenly so interested in him and Annabelle? He seemed determined, and Jason admitted to himself that it made him nervous. What did he want from Jason?
​'Didn't think so.'
​'It's only been a year, Ryan,' Jason argued.
​Ryan swigged then stared at the group of boys around the campfire, his dad, and Mr. Halliway. 'I've known people say it sooner. You think she's the one?'
​Jason considered Ryan for a second, the fire from the campfire a small ember in his eyes. His jaw was clenched in thought. Or perhaps frustration. What did he want Jason to say? He couldn't lie! Jason had feelings for Annabelle, strong feelings. He had known her for over a year now and everything about her still excited him – her perfume, her smile, her laugh, her ambition, her kiss....
​...but then there was Ryan.
That kiss had sent something running through him. A spark of curiosity. Something different.
​'We don't have to talk about Annabelle if it's going to upset you, Ryan.'
​'It's not,' he replied, shortly.
​'Then... yeah? I really care about your cousin, I really do. So, I think she could be the one. Maybe.'
​'You sound confident about that one,' Ryan dismissed.
​Jason felt a flash of frustration burn through him. 'I am. I love Annabelle.'
​Ryan scoffed again and looked forward to the campfire, and the boys.
Jason turned to face Ryan, willing him to look him in the eyes. For Ryan to see how serious Jason was about Annabelle. How the kiss hadn't changed anything.
'Nothing has changed,' Jason added, sternly.
Ryan sighed a small laugh, sniffed and then drank the last bit of beer from his bottle.
​'You tell yourself what you need to, Jason. I'll be here when you've decided.'
​Ryan pushed up from the ground without even so much as a glance towards Jason, and waltzed over to the campfire.
​Jason sat back against the tree. As he watched Ryan swagger his way towards the group of boys, Jason tried to understand why anything Ryan said was frustrating him. He could sense that perhaps Ryan was hoping that the kiss in the writing shed would have changed something in Jason.
​...maybe it had. And not so much changed, as awakened. An initial spark. An ignition. A second flame that he did not yet understand but he was curious about.
​An image of his beautiful girlfriend filled his vision. It was falling into the evening now, and Annabelle would be scribbling away at her desk, and working on her next big article, or finishing that story she had been working on for so long.​
​His first flame. That he loved.

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