chapter 24 - merry fucking Christmas

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16th of October, 1992.

"You alright, Lily?" Ezra questions, he's hands propped upon the table.

"Just because you found out my middle name, Kade, does not mean you can call me it, I have a name, respect it." I roll my eyes, bitting into the jam covered toast.


"Tiaaaa" my best friend, Eleanor Clarke called, as she sat next to me, snatching the piece of toast I once held, taking a bite of it.

"Elleee." I call back, closing the book I was reading, looking at her.

"We're did you go off to last night?" She asks, staring at me with curiousity.

"I went for a walk." Ezra coughs.

"Yeah sure, tell me where you wereeee."Eleanor pushes.

"I went for a walk, to the library" he coughs again.

"Want some water?" I narrow my eyes at the blonde boy.

"No thanks, Lily."

"Stop calling me Lily."

"Okay, Lily"

"Fuck you."


"Shut up, I'm trying to talk to my friend here, Blondie, so if you don't mind, piss off." Eleanor grunted at the older boy, venom laced in her tone as she turns back to me.

"Oh by the way, Clarke, she was with me" I swallow as the boy walks away, I big smirk on his face.

"WHAT." Eleanor yells, getting weird stares from people close to us.

"It's not what you think."


"It wasn't? We were studying, that's it." I scoff at the raven haired girl.

"Your the biggest liar I have ever met." She rolls her eyes, slapping my arm.

"I am NOT lying, Eleanor"

I jump up, my hands covered in sweat as a annoyed Taylor pushs me off my bed with a thud.

"Fuck you." I mutter, wiping my eyes as I stood up, my red hair sprawled and knotted. I reach for the small black hair tie, tieing my hair into a ponytail behind my head.

I walk towards my bathroom, locking the door as I walked over to the toilet.

After i go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, change my shirt, leaving my pink heart pj pants on, I unlock the door, walking out and down the stairs.

"Merry Christmas, t!" Ignie hugs me, handing me a plate of pancakes with strawberrys and maple syrup.

"Merry Christmas ignie!" I thank her, sitting down on the table.

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