chapter 34 - oh my Merlin

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I stayed in the room of requirement for a while after Ophelia disappeared.

After a while of sitting there being swallowed up by my thoughts I looked around for a bit longer, I found a box of treasure's, filled with letters and absolutely riddled with Polaroids of the past students.

My senses being engulfed by the smell of rich red roses and vanilla, a smell I once smelt on Indigo.

It made me turn around, only to be caught in the fiery flames from fireplace.

I slowly got up from the blue armchair that I sat on, walking over to the fireplace after noticing writing on the brick.

' j.p, s.b, i.j, p.p, r.l'

The wall held the initials of non other than, James Potter,Sirius black, Indigo Jupiter, Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin.

I almost laughed, come to think about it I'm pretty sure I've seen those same initials on the Gryffindor fireplace.

I got bored a little while later, I walked out of the room and down the corridor, on my way to the Gryffindor common room, only to here the voices of a Prefect, fuck.

I completely forgot it's way passed curfew, I turned around and walked the other way, finding the nearest broom closet to hid in, I opened the door quickly getting in a closing it behind me.

"Fancy seeing you here, Thalia." Mattheos voice whispers from besides me, I almost jump.

"Mattheo?" I say, turning to him, who's got a huge smug grin on he's face.

"You hear the Prefect to?" He asks and I nod, staring at his disheveled state, his curly brown hair messed around, he's tie and robe missing, a few buttons undone on his shirt.

"Why are you out past curfew?" I ask.

"Why are you?" He looks at me like he's trying to read my mind, that's when I notice the hot pink lipstick that's smudged on his neck, a bile rising to my throat.

"I asked you first." I whisper, shifting on my feet.

"Well, sweetheart, I was out for a walk, couldn't sleep, what about you." He was lying through he's teeth, but I didn't say anything.

"Heard voices, went to follow a damned ghost, found myself in the room of requirement." Most of that was somewhat true, I did hear voices, and I did hear them and I found myself in the room of requirement.

"Why would you follow voices? When there's a literal mass murderer around? Trying to get yourself killed?" He whispered-shouted.

"Nice to know you care."

"Of course I care, I'm not daft."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am."

"Hmm sure whatever helps you sleep at night."

"It actually does, why thank yo-" I stop him by putting my palm over his mouth because I heard the voice of the two Prefects once more.

I let my hand fall after the voice of the Prefects disappeared around a corner.

"What the fuck was that for?" He whispers, looking at me like I just killed his puppy.

"I heard those Prefects again, asshole." I go to open the broom closets door, but I'm stopped by Mattheos hand.

"Wait, thalia, we need to talk about everything." He said, he sounded desperate but I was more than desperate to get out of there.

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