chapter 33 - the dead ex

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Sometimes I wish life was a book, so I could take a sneak peak of the last couple of pages and make sure everything turns out just fine.

I wanted to scream.

I wanted to cry,

And laugh.

But all those things were deemed impossible when I lost myself.

I was so busy making sure everyone found themselves, that they were happy and got over things.

I was too busy focusing on other people, that I burned myself out, I'm exhausted in my body, in my mind, in my words.

But I can't seek someone else out to help me, sure I have Hermione, Keira, Taylor and delphini; well I don't think I have her anymore, seeing as she's the one helping to kill me.

But I do I really have all those people?

What if I tell them everything going on in my fucked up little head and they leave?

Yes, Remus's friends found out that he was a werewolf and everyone excepted it, they didn't mind, they did the best thing for him, and if anything it drew them closer.

But if I tell them will they turn out to be like delphini? Or Eleanor?

I couldn't bring that on myself.

Not again.

It's was alot of effort for all of us to get out of the shrieking shack and down the tunnel, seeing as it was so small, Indigo had transformed back into her dog form, following behind us, Remus had taken her place next to Peter, joking his wand to his neck, harry Infront of us, me and Hermione technically dragging Ron.

We walked up the stairs to the castle in silence, seeing as we are all out last curfew if someone other than Dumbledore catches us we'd be screwed.

"Thalia." I here from behind me, I turned around, no one there.

"Thalia." The sweet voice echoed through my ears again, turning around once more still no one their, I let go of Ron, harry now at the back of us taking my spot.

Everyone kept walking, not realising, not hearing that godamn voice.

"Thalia." The voice calls again, this time I stop, i haven't heard that voice before, what does it want?

I bet I'm dying.

Hip hip hooray.

I look around for a hot minute this time I notice this short bright pink hair from the corner of my eye.

I start walking towards where I saw the hair, the voice still calling my name.

I walked down the corridor, spotting the pink hair once more, this time going down another corridor.

"I bet it's leading me to my death." I mutter under my breath.

"Follow me Thalia." The voice whispers again.

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