Chapter Seven

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I helped Colt down first, leaving Ty to swing for longer. "You've had your fun Indie, now help me down." He insisted.

"I'm not sure I have the strength now. I am just a girl, after all."

"Hilarious, misogyny lesson learned. Now, can we leave before Rocky finds us?" 

I unhooked the rope that suspended him and let him drop to prove a point, then Colt rushed over to untie him.


"To think, I actually liked you for a few brief moments." Ty scowled, getting up from the floor and rubbing his head. "You wouldn't have some clothes, would you?"

I passed him his clothes from beside the door, then turned away as he and Colt got changed.

"You're not just another one of Stitch's Strays, are you?" Colt asked, as I popped my head around the door to check the coast was clear.

"And you aren't just another factionless straggler."

"So what happened to you then? You definitely took your time with this break out." Ty interjected.

"Well, I'm sorry that I was tied up in the basement, under constant watch from two rather disgusting guards. Next time I'll ask them nicely to let us go. Anyway, you were supposed to be protecting me. That's why I was forced to bring you along, besides all that stood between you and freedom was some rope, as well as a rusty lock."

"Touché." He retorted. "What's the plan?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'll let you know when I have one. In the meantime, let's use the front door and run as fast as possible." 


We all made a beeline for the staircase, Colt still looking incredibly confused.

"You're no doubt wondering who I really am or why my friend and I are here."

"Actually, yes I am. Last I checked, volunteers at a clinic that denounces violence didn’t come on rescue missions or take down armed guards." Colt bluntly stated.

"I'm not a volunteer at The Paragon, I actually used to live there, I’m the one who fortified it actually and I would've come alone, but some friends of mine insisted Ty accompany me for safety, turns out his ass was the one in need of saving, not mine." 

As we neared freedom and the exit, our conversation was cut short. "Oi, you stop right there!"

Ty and Colt both looked at me in alarm. "Ty, grab my clothes from behind that pallet, then take Colt and run. I'll find you by the alley South of here, you know the one."

"I promised I wouldn't leave you behind or let you get hurt."

"I can take care of myself. You need to get Colt back to Stitch and Leo. They’ll know what to do, I’m sure."

"Ty's right. We can't just leave you here."

“Did you hear about what happened to Hatter and his guys after you left The Paragon? That was me. I've dealt with far worse odds, but if you guys stay, we're screwed. It's one thing risking your own life, but I won't abide risking others, which makes the two of you a liability. Leave and I'll buy you some more time, which you're currently wasting. I promise I'll come find you when it's safe. Just trust me. Please."

Ty nodded his head, knowing he wouldn't win. "Fine, be at the meeting point in the next three hours. If you aren't there, I'm coming back." He compromised, passing me my clothes.

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