Chapter Twenty-Six

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I found Colt anxiously pacing the sector's border. Drew was nowhere in sight. When he finally noticed me, there was relief in his eyes and he ran towards me, quite literally sweeping me off my feet as he twirled me around. 

I couldn’t help but stare into his eyes as the world spun around us and I almost wished it wouldn’t end, which it inevitably did as he set me down with an apology. “I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have done that, but I was just so relieved to see you I couldn’t help myself.”

I took a deep breath and just went for it, kissing him as he held me in his arms. Time seemed to stand still in that moment, and I felt untouchable, even when we finally pulled away. 

“Even after all of this time, you are still able to catch me off guard, still so full of surprises. Caelyn Lewis, you’re the greatest puzzle I have ever stumbled upon and I am so glad to have met you.”

“I’m glad we met, too. It might be the only good thing to have ever come out of this fucking nightmare.”

“What made you change your mind?”

“Defusing that bomb with Ace, all I could think about was you and my brother, whether you were both safe, if I’d ever see either of you again. For the first time in a long time, I actually found myself wanting to live. I actually cared if I survived and I realised it was because I care about you. When I think about you, I get butterflies in my stomach. I have to try so hard to focus so I don’t trip on every word. You infuriate me, drive me crazy with how protective and rude you can be, but I also wouldn’t change any of that for the world. When I’m with you, time stops, the world stops and for a moment I forget just how bad things are. You’ve given me something nobody else ever has. You. You gave me hope and helped me find a purpose. You allowed me to believe in something again.”

“Alright, who are you and what did you do with the real Caelyn Lewis, shapeshifter?” He teased as he held me to his chest, his fingers combing through my hair. 

“When I’m with you, I’m the person I was always too afraid to be.”

I heard footsteps behind us and once again Colt protectively pushed me behind him as we came face to face with Ratchet and, to my surprise, Razael, who bore a look of loathing so hateful, it froze me in place. 

“Your friends think they’ve won. They’ve corralled Delilah’s people, as well as my own operatives in the city, halving my forces; now they’ve seized years of intelligence and research, putting them in a position of power I covet, a position I’ve worked hard to earn. They’re about to learn that their victory is soon to be short-lived.” Raz glowered as Ratchet raised a gun and pointed it at Colt. 

“Lucky for me we only need one of you alive, and unfortunately for you, pretty boy, that’s dear, sweet Caelyn, so I get the pleasure of tearing her heart in two by killing you right before her very eyes.” Ratchet grinned malevolently.

“Now, Ratchet, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. For the moment, we need him because he’s going to pass on a message to Sean like the good little errand boy he is.” Raz informed her, and her grin contorted into a snarl. 

“You said I could kill the traitor.”

“And I meant it, but right now, he serves a purpose. As soon as that changes, you can do with him as you like.”

“Nobody is doing anything to Colt, and he’s not delivering any messages for you because I’m not going anywhere. Walk away whilst you still can, before my brother and the rest of our friends arrive.”

“Awe, you’re so cute when you're mad, your face scrunches up like an angry little squirrel. Honestly, you have so much going for you it amazes me that you’re still a virgin, though I’d gladly fix that. I could show you the time of your life, just say the word.”

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