Chapter 04.

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Tay had been stressing over the past few days, it was a Monday evening when he accidentally met Vegas on one of their hotels. The man even invited him for a coffee but he had lied and told him he still had some work left.

Why did he lie?

Well...he still wasn't prepared to face the man again after that little incident where he broke down in front Vegas. He feels so embarrassed especially when he saw his face when he got home that night. Oh god that horrifying sight. Tay shuddered at the memory, how could he face Vegas again when the man had seen him looking like that?! His face a mess with snot running down his nose, his make up smudged beyond imagination.

He bet Vegas was being sarcastic when the other had called him beautiful while crying. There was nothing beautiful about him that night. No. Nothing.

Tay felt guilty when he had rejected the other man after all he saved him, that's why he had made a rash decision of inviting him to a dinner when he saw the disappointment on his handsome face.

Tay bit his lower lip as he stares at his phone, specifically on Vegas's number. He wouldn't lie the man looks good. Too good for Tay's little fragile heart. He had seen the man wearing the color black multiple times now, and he noticed that each time he looks handsome as ever, especially that day at the hotel.

Tay doesn't know but that image of Vegas had been stuck on his mind. The man was just wearing a simple black button down with a few buttons open showing his very toned chest. It's not like he stared at his chest. No. Nah uh. It just happened that he has well functioning eyes and it was on display. He had no choice but to see.

Tay groaned slamming his phone down as he slumped to his office chair. Today is already Friday and he still hasn't called Vegas.

It was just a simple dinner as a sign of gratitude for the help that he had received but why is making a big deal out of it?

Because he feels scared.

Not at Vegas, even if the man has questionable reputation.

He's scared that he's comfortable around Vegas this fast. Tay wasn't innocent, he knows how it feels to be attracted to someone, hell was stupidly in love for almost a decade of course he remembers what if feels like to like someone.

The thing that he felt to Vegas was just too fast that it scared him.

Curse the Threepanyankul bloodline for having such a good genes that every single member of that family is good looking.

Tay just felt like there's more to this man than meets the eye. Vegas has a reputation for being a psychopath but seeing him that night, the same man who saved him, who helped him and had cried with him sheds a new different light, that Tay couldn't ignore.


Is he putting too much meaning into this?

Tay sighed picking up his phone again, his thumb hovering over the call button of the man's phone number.

'It's just a simple dinner just get on with it and get over it. After that you don't have a reason to see him again.'

Tay nodded, the sooner this dilemma ends his confusion and infatuation will end too. He pressed on the call button, putting the phone on his ear.

The other line took sometime to answer that he almost hang up when a deep smooth voice resonates on his ear making him shudder.

"Who is this?"

"Uh.. Hey Vegas. This is Tay."

"Hold on." was the other man's reply, his voice rough and a little breathy, followed by some muffled shuffling sound.

"Sorry... Am I interrupting you?" Tay bit his lips, 'I should've just texted him'.

"No. I was just working out." says Vegas with a low chuckle. "What's up?"

Tay blinked, his mind running a hundred miles per hour. If Tay has many weakness, this is one of them, a fit and healthy men who takes care of their body. He likes his man broad and strong. His eyes widened, 'what the hell were you thinking?!'

He let out a nervous laugh before speaking. "I promised you dinner remember? I was thinking if you're free tomorrow since it's the weekend."

"I thought you forgot about it. I've been waiting for your call."

"I did not!" He said defensively, his cheeks warming up at the thought that the other was waiting for his call, then he heard a laugh from the other line. "I was just busy the past few days and had no free time."

"So tomorrow? What time? Should I come pick you up?" asked the other, his voice seemed eager..??

Tay wanted to scream 'don't make it sound like a date!!'

"Easy there." He laughs, hoping it doesn't sound awkward like he felt. "I'll see you around 7pm? I'll text you the address of the restaurant. And no you don't have to pick me up I know how to drive myself thank you very much."

"I was just offering." He says with a laugh. "See you tomorrow."

"See you."

He waits for the other to hang up but was met with a breathing sound.


"Bye Tay." was Vegas's reply with his deep voice before he hurriedly pressed the end call button.

The way Vegas had said his name..... Tay shook his head lightly slapping his reddened cheeks with both palms.

'This man is driving me crazy.'

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