Chapter 13.

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They all settled down in a private room with a poker table in the middle and a mini bar on the side. Tay took a seat in front of the dealer with Vegas on his right, Kinn on his boyfriend's other side. Jaehee sat down next to him with Hajun occupying the seat next to her.

He's still on edge with the woman but the latter seems to be casual with everything and didn't try anything funny, it also baffles Tay that the married couple rarely exchange physical contact with each other.

The game started normal with ridiculous amount of money bets with each of them winning a round, Hajun taking the lead when he won the round where Kinn bets all of his chips and lost. But as the night gets deeper the bets starts changing when Vegas bets a crate of firearms that Tay doesn't even bother to remember the names when his boyfriend starts listing it, he just knows it was a total of fourteen firearms raging from pistols to rifles and shotguns, since he was right next to Vegas he has to place his bet with the same amount which lead him to bet a brand new sports car.

There are a total of five cards in the table the two facing down and the other three shows a jack of clubs, a queen of hearts and four spades.

Tay has two jacks a heart and a diamond which makes his winning rate high if he tried his luck with the remaining cards on the table and he have to place his bets right so him and Vegas doesn't lose this round.

It was Jaehee's turn and Tay watched carefully as the woman wears the same mysterious smile she has all night.

"My bet is the exact same things as Vegas listed."

Tay maintained a straight face and glanced at Vegas who was sipping on his whiskey with a satisfied smile barely noticeable to anyone except him. He took a sip from his drink as well while listening to Hajun bet the same amount but with drugs followed by Kinn betting the same thing.

If Tay won, what the fuck is he gonna with all of that? He should've just sit this one out and folded but apparently his luck is working overtime when the next card shows the queen of spades. He will definitely won that fucking drugs, Vegas better buy all of that shit for asking him to come here.

The next bet for the last card is a yacht courtesy of Kinn with Porsche glaring daggers on his side. Vegas with more weapons, and Tay ran out of options and bet cash instead.

Jaehee bets weapons again and Tay resist the urge to raise his brows for copying his boyfriend again. Lastly Hajun bets cash and the next card was shown.

It was a seven of diamond. Tay won with a full house card and a shit ton of drugs and guns but at least there's cash too and a fucking yacht. He almost smiled when he heard Porsche whispering harshly to Kinn's ear.

"That was a good game," Jaehee says to him. "I didn't know you deal illegally too, I thought you only do legal business."

Tay shrugs and twirls his wine glass. "I don't."

Vegas snakes an arm around his waist and smiled politely at the woman. "I'm buying the goods from him." Vegas said as if reading his mind.

Jaehee looks at Tay and laughs, her eyes turning to little crescents. "I'm glad to know, you're too pretty to deal with that."

Tay's eyebrows furrowed when he heard the woman, it doesn't sound insulting or anything coming from her but more of a compliment but Tay can feel the pricks of anger seeping through him, the alcohol finally taking affect on him.

"Are you implying that I don't belong here?" He asked, annoyance clear on his voice.

Jaehee looks genuinely surprised that Tay almost believed her. "No, I'm sorry if I offended you, I didn't mean it like that."

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