Chapter 14.

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tw: human traffïckīng/child abuse
(not detailed just a brief mention)


Tay can't look away, not when Vegas gently touched the girl's head wearing the gentlest smile on his face. Tay felt his throat closing up, he thought he's the only one to receive that look from Vegas but turns out he was wrong.

His heart jumped when Vegas's gaze landed on his car, panicking he accidentally stepped on the gas causing the car to jerk forward hitting the vehicle in front of him. Tay groaned from the impact, his face buried in the air bag. He sat back and looks at the crowd gathering on the sidewalk to gawk at the incident, he can't help the chuckle from escaping him until it turned into a full blown hysteric laugher.

Tay looks at his side, his eyes blurry with tears from laughing too hard and saw Vegas knocking on his window aggressively. He ignored the man and hit reverse, uncaring of the spectator gaping at his actions before driving off.

Everything turned muted and all he can think about is how fucking unlucky he is when it comes to his lovers.

"What did I ever do to deserve this?" Tay says out loud, his lips trembling as tears flows down to his cheeks. "Am I not enough? Fuck! First, it was Time and now Vegas?"

Speeding through the highways of Bangkok, he grips the steering wheel and screams in frustration. Maybe he should've listened to Kinn. Then he wouldn't have to experience his second heartbreak, he laughs when he remembered the night Vegas confessed to him. He was a fool for believing someone like Vegas.

Tay steps on the breaks on instinct when a car swerved right in front of him. He cursed out loud when he saw Vegas steps out of the car, he punched the horn repeatedly the closer Vegas walks to him.

"Get out of my way you fucking asshole!" Tay screams in anger, his feet stomping on the accelerator.

He ignored Vegas's muffled voice from his side and steps on the accelerator again but his car won't budge. He steps on it again and again, screaming in frustration when his car suddenly shuts down.

With tears running down his face he punched the steering wheel repeatedly until the skin on his knuckles breaks, only stopping when a hand wrapped around his fist. His eyes follows the owner of the hand and found Vegas looking at him intently.

Tay tugs his hands from Vegas's grip and slaps him in the face. "You fucking liar, you're no different from Time." He unlocks his seatbelt and pushed Vegas away before getting out of the car to face the man.

"Is she the reason why you're ignoring me?"

"Tay, it's not like that. Let me explain first."

Tay glared at Vegas, "What excuses do you have? Is that your way of wine and dine?Taking someone to your so called special place before getting to someone's pants? Just how many fucking people you brought to that fucking place, Vegas?"

Before Vegas can open his mouth to answer him, a female voice interrupted them. "Uh, first of all, ew. I'm not sleeping with Vegas."

Tay's head snaps to the direction of the voice and his mind reeling back when he found a child. No, it was a teen who looks barely eighteen. She's wearing a blue sundress with long black curly hair framing her small face.

"Hi," the girl says to him waving her hand awkwardly.

Tay looks at the girl before looking at Vegas in disgust, "Really, Vegas? A child?"

"Hey, I'm not a child. I'm fourteen."

Tay looks back at the girl who's frowning at him. "Same thing, you're a minor."

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