*~ Prolouge ~*

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~Hey, this is a taste of The Crack, stay tuned, I'll be posting more by about the 30th of August, might be sooner, might be a little bit later, so keep on eye on this and just wait, maybe I'll post sooner than you think... Maybe.~

"J556, breakfast." A man shouted through my door, before he walked away I heard him mutter something like 'little freak should just die already' though I was used to that. From what I've figured out since I was thrown in here, is that I'm in a place for non humans, each imprisoned and isolated so there can't be an uprising. I can't figure out why they believe I'm non human, I seem to be like them, but my room was made of some sort of material that was supposed to weaken my 'powers'. I was taught things by a man called 'Victor H22' he came in here and explained my situation, told me what my chores were and how to do them, he checked my health and the conditions of my room, he told me people had plans for me. I ate my food and tried, like every other day, to remember before this imprisonment, and each time, like today, I failed. I sit on my bed and stare at my ceiling again waiting for Victor H22 to come. I feel a strange vibration begin under me and it began to grow, violently shaking the room I stand up only to fall to the ground from the vibration shaking me too much, my homework books were scattered along the floor with the other few items I owned. After what seemed like two hours the vibration stopped, I began to clean up but five minutes later Victor H22 walked in and observed the room. Victor H22's eyes snapped towards me making harsh contact with my eyes "How do you feel?" He asked quickly.

"A bit shaky after the big vibration thingy but okay." I answered timidly. Victor H22's facial expression went back to neutral.

"Good. J556, what you just experienced was an Earthquake, it could do quiet some damage. If anything is broken please report it to me, now glue your books back together, clean your room and you can have the day off. I have to help fix somethings." Victor H22 said briskly and then walked away, locking my door behind him. I pile my books in a corner and begin to remake my bed when I heard voices, I never heard voices when no one else was in my room and the door was closed... I listened closely '-ay off. I have to help fix somethings.' A deep voice said and I heard a door close and get locked, then some paper being moved around.

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